If you're James Boyd, you have to do your due diligence and at least put a package out to Kingston for their consideration. Hold a little sweetener back in case you need it, but present them the structure of what we would offer for Wright. Here it is - let us know if you like it. Just avoid getting into a protracted auction, and I'm happy. For instance, Mews is completely 110 percent untouchable - it isn't even up for discussion.
That’s not really how it works. It’s close but not accurate.
Essentially what happens is Kingston will send out the parameters of what a deal would look like. They will say an ‘06 1st or mature ‘05 plus picks equal to three 2nds and three 3rds is the minimum we would consider.
Teams then could call Kingston for clarification but they don’t talk trade specific. More like defining the pieces in broad terms.
Teams then formulate one or more different offers for consideration. For example, a tema like Ottawa could have a deal involving Marrelli and a separate option involving Foster. Depending on how Ottawa values the players, they may alter the picks component etc so that neither deal has the same picks or add ons.
Kingston then compiles the offers, reviews them and would typically go to the team withthe best structured offer (not necessarily the best offer) and see if they can tweak it. For example, maybe Peterborough offers Lardis in one deal and JVV inn another deal. They like one of the payers better thant he other but they want to adjust the picks to make it work. Essentially what Kingston is doin in that case is they have identified the PLAYER that they like the best out of all the offers and want to build the rest of the trade around that player. They wouldn’t “auctioning.” They see a player they really like and want to finish off the rest of the deal structure. If they are unable to tweak it to their liking, they may go to the deal involving the next best KEY PLAYER offered and work with that team.
Boyd may have given an offer but there could be other offers with players Kingston likes more as the key piece. Kingston may come back and say to Boyd that if they want to be in the running, they have to include Mews and request an alternate package. Boyd can choose to go that route or not. IF Boyd chooses to not go that route then that usually means there are other offers that include players that exceed what Boyd has offered.
There isn’t an auction per se but there is a feeling out process prior to the offer stage. I assume Boyd would know whether he has a shot and would act accordingly.