Winter Olympics are a huge step up from the Summer for me; so many more interesting sports. One of the major problems is that there are way too many water and running lengths. I don't care that a USA woman set a record or something in 200 m, 300 m, 400 m, and 450 m distances. Speed skating has the same problem, but that crazy speed skating where you got like 8 skaters on the track and it is all out warfare is wonderful to watch.
Fencing is an awesome sport, I feel that your description is a perfect example of archery and volleyball. I respect both sports, but I tried to watch it and got bored and changed the channel.
This is my opinion, but I think handball is probably the stupidest sport on the planet that has a legit following for me. Play futbol, baskebtall, or Gaelic football, don't make a sport that is just a mixture of everything.
I would love to see floorball in the summer Olympics. If field hockey, ping-pong, 3v3 basketball, artistic swimming, and sailing are "classified" as sports, floorball is equally or more athletically demanding than all of those.