Yeah, that's the issue. They bend the path so that is crosses the yield at a 90 degree angle, but that means you have to rotate ypur head 120 degrees to look back along the path for cyclists
As a cyclist or or jogger on that path, I always assume that the car coming through the yield hasn't sent me and won't stop so I'll stop and wait for them to stop themselves and wave me across
Far and away the best approach. I try to ride my bike to work as much as I can through the workable months (don't care how fat your tires are, winter riding in Manitoba is a gamble) but I just operate from the assumption that no one sees me.
My route isn't the same as the accident, but I get to cross Kenaston, Waverly, Pembina, Osborne and Main street so there's plenty of traffic. I'll always yield to cars at 4-way stops (if you've gone through the intersection you can't hit me) and don't run red lights (duh).
This time of year is terrible too and it seems to me that the majority of cyclists do very little to make themselves visible. The number of 'ninja' cyclists in this city is insane at this time of year. What is a ninja cyclist? That's a cyclist that makes no effort to be seen - no lights, no reflectors and no reflective clothing. Sometimes I see a cyclist that's pretty young and I'm guessing that spending $30 on a light is tough for them with rent and food increases and I get that. But many I see are like me, well beyond their thirties and they're out with nothing for lights, wearing all black clothing. Most of the e-bike riders are ninjas and that's even more stupid as you'll have less reaction time, and from what I can see, many e-bike riders are reborn cyclists, not having ridden frequently since they were grade schoolers.
Me? Two headlights, one of them flashing. Three rear lights, one flashing, one on my helmet. My reflectors are intact and visible. I have tires that have reflective parts that are highly visible from the side. My bags have reflective marking and my jacket has reflective tape built into it. Once got passed by a younger guy, no lights, all black gear, told me I looked like a Christmas tree. Yeah, that's the point. I couldn't even see him once he was thirty feet in front of me and I knew where he should be.
I hate many cyclists as they tend to ignore the rules. Makes the rest of us seem really annoying and it pisses drivers off. When I'm driving my car and I see a cyclist, I'm super wary because a lot of them don't behave predictably and assume they have the right of way, most often they don't. Autopac will always deem it the drivers fault, even when it's not, but that's little consolation when you're lying in hospital or the morgue.