Here in Grande Prairie every North/South arterial road was under major construction all summer. (It's almost November and they aren't done)
They couldn't have picked one a year over three years rather than doing them all at once and turning the city into complete gridlock. Bah! So frustrating!
North America inordinately suffers this phenomenon where roads are seen as unionist job shop creating places and cities dream on about all their beautification and cycle lane and transit projects forever reconfiguring the same roads and almost constantly. I mean its hilarious even to consider that the city had streetcars run on where lots of the LRT projects are a century later.
In Toronto its an ongoing joke meme comparing photos of Streetcar lines 80yrs ago that were ripped out vs virtually identical level LRT lines today. The only thats different essentially is the LRT fleets and project constructions are way more expensive.
Plus that there is virtually no coordination of projects. Repave roads and then rip them out because underground infrastructure has to be installed..
The city is scheduling a back alley "enhancement" project to run next year in our hood. No end date in sight. No access to garages. They don't even say how long it will take. All they're doing is repaving and putting up a few lights. They had 3 crews digging holes all over to assess the depth of our utilities infrastructure. We'd go back there and tell them crews were already out doing this. "Oh were they".
Such a project used to take a couple weeks and they would just go out and do it. Now they plan for it for 3yrs, do advance fieldwork for two, and spend a year doing the project.