Finding Hemingway
Nope. They stole about 6 of his songs and the agreed to add his name to copywrite and pay an undisclosed. Zep went to the matts against Spirit over Stariway
Side by side--
The Crux of Spirits case was that they opened for Zep 3 years prior to stairway being record
its OK to love both bands. I love Spirt too. RIP Randy California. Zep have been plagiarists. In the music business imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Zep had not only seen Spirit play a lot, they'd seen Randy California play with Jimi Hendrix as well. That said Stairway is a classic and Zep borrowed only one part on a song that segues into several parts. On the Spirt song its a track I like but it doesn't do near as much after the similar opening and frankly few people have heard it. Spirit probably got more royalties on that track BECAUSE of Zep.

The thing you're shortselling as well is that Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones feature on playing credits of around 200 recorded songs in the 60's as the most accomplished and in demand session musicians. They were constantly recording and adding to the 60's music scene. There isn't anybody in the music industry that wouldn't tell you that the two are among the best artists ever in the business, and that Bonhan was arguably among best rock drummers.
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