Oilers hire Stan Bowman as GM & EVP of Hockey Ops


Registered User
Nov 20, 2018
Perhaps, but someone like Bowman, whose name alone carries a ton of weight, double so as an NHL GM, was certainly in a position where the risk to himself was going to be minimal if not nonexistent. He wasn't gonna get fired because he wanted a sexual assault accusation investigated. If anything if it came down to a power struggle, once people found out what the power struggle was about it's the other guy who was toast. He very likely not only retains his job, and continues to have most if not all the success he's had with a strong roster, he also becomes a hero of the story.

When it's allegations like this, your #1 job as a senior exec and a decent human being should be to find out the info, right? This isn't someone coming to him saying an employee might be stealing kegs of beer, and he kind of brushes it off as not worth his time. This was serious stuff involving a potential predator or criminal under his nose.
I can't remember and I bet most people can't either but initially was it allegations or rumours?

A lot of the earlier threads way after it happened really muddled the waters on the timeline and what happened.

Also orgnaizations have hierachies and certian people do certain jobs, if I step out of my lane at work I usaully get a talking too and most people jsut don't do that.

Also alot of people here are doing the hindsight is 20/20 thing.

What happened in real time, who new exactly what and when is important or do people forget the Ian Cole thing a couple of offseasons ago?

I think the most important thing is that the NHL cleared those 3 guys to be hired back if any teams chose to do so and people can dislike it but it is what it is and lifetime bans on anything is easy from an armchair POV with sometimes limited, distorted or plain wrong factual information.

If you want the luxury of looking the other way when told to do so, don't accept a job in one of the big chairs, right? You want the power, then take the responsibility. No one blames the scout for not doing more when he found out, he likely had no power to make anything happen. A GM with Bowman's family pedigree, OTOH, if he wanted an internal investigation they'd have had one. Ultimately, he didn't want it.

Im not privy to details of how much they knew or did not know for sure before sending him packing, or if that was even the right call. I'm glad they did SOMETHING however, as opposed to just having it dismissed.

You can try to do the right thing and still make mistakes, that's forgivable. What's not forgivable is when you know something horrible may be happening, but you make a conscious choice to ignore it because it might be inconvenient.
May be happening is really broad don't you think?

I bet tons of people here hear all sorts of rumours at work do they always act on them?


Registered User
Nov 20, 2018
Well he's the kind of guy who passes the buck on a sexual assault, so yeah maybe
Is that what exactly happened though?

I can't remember the details but your statement makes it sound definitively that he was in the sole position to make a decision hear and knew the facts at the time when it happened.

Also if someone else was tasked with the investigation or whatever you want to phrase it as organizations don't tolerate people who bypass processes but maybe it's convent after the fact.


I guess we know the high school student, who was victimized after Aldrich resigned from the Blackhawks, was not asked since he was a minor at the time and his name was withheld.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2024
Is that what exactly happened though?

I can't remember the details but your statement makes it sound definitively that he was in the sole position to make a decision hear and knew the facts at the time when it happened.

Also if someone else was tasked with the investigation or whatever you want to phrase it as organizations don't tolerate people who bypass processes but maybe it's convent after the fact.
Bowman has all but admitted to it in his statements. His statement when he was suspended included a portion where he said he assumed it was being handled by someone above him (MacIsaac or McDonough), and that assumption was a mistake. In his more recent statement, he said he didn't handle things properly, and that he should have done more. That tells me even he knows he passed the buck.

Also the only thing I've found about his conversation with Beach is that the conversation "was encouraging." That's pretty vague.


Dec 24, 2016
Bowman has all but admitted to it in his statements. His statement when he was suspended included a portion where he said he assumed it was being handled by someone above him (MacIsaac or McDonough), and that assumption was a mistake. In his more recent statement, he said he didn't handle things properly, and that he should have done more. That tells me even he knows he passed the buck.

Also the only thing I've found about his conversation with Beach is that the conversation "was encouraging." That's pretty vague.
When your superiors tell you they're dealing with a situation after the management group has all been informed that there is a situation, how exactly is that passing the buck? Everyone in those meetings had the same information and not a single person badgered McDonough about it afterwards.

None of this absolves anyone of anything, but it doesn't mean they haven't learned anything or changed how they would do things moving forward.

And our knowledge of whatever conversations occurred should be vague. Bowman and Beach don't owe it to anyone to disclose the details of any conversations they've had.

I'm also curious on what your thoughts are on Chevy being a GM in Winnipeg this whole time. I would assume you feel just as strongly that he should also be unemployed at the NHL level?
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Registered User
Nov 20, 2018
Bowman has all but admitted to it in his statements. His statement when he was suspended included a portion where he said he assumed it was being handled by someone above him (MacIsaac or McDonough), and that assumption was a mistake. In his more recent statement, he said he didn't handle things properly, and that he should have done more. That tells me even he knows he passed the buck.

Also the only thing I've found about his conversation with Beach is that the conversation "was encouraging." That's pretty vague.
Well I'm pretty sure that the conversation with beach took place as its easy to find online.

what's harder to find is the exact who knew what and when timeline.

The last article is quite critical and there maybe be more than one reason why as many fans in Vancouver have had a hate relationship with the Black Hawks and one has to cater to the public in selling papers.

I wonder if there were rumours of Jake Virtanen and his eventual acquittal in Vancouver ehre a but eventually he was dumped easily as he wasn't a very good NHL player.

Mario Lemieux and Dan Quinn had quite the night on a road trip that has been brought up here but that doesn't seem to stick to Mario, I dunno maybe it's just easier for some to have selective outrage?

Either way I doubt the story in edmonton goes away as lots of other fan bases including my own already have a real rivalry with all things Oilers so it should be an interesting sideshow and that's why if I were the Oilers I would have passed on Stan.
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Registered User
Jul 4, 2024
When your superiors tell you they're dealing with a situation after the management group has all been informed that there is a situation, how exactly is that passing the buck? Everyone in those meetings had the same information and not a single person badgered McDonough about it afterwards.

None of this absolves anyone of anything, but it doesn't mean they haven't learned anything or changed how they would do things moving forward.

And our knowledge of whatever conversations occurred should be vague. Bowman and Beach don't owe it to anyone to disclose the details of any conversations they've had.

I'm also curious on what your thoughts are on Chevy being a GM in Winnipeg this whole time. I would assume you feel just as strongly that he should also be unemployed at the NHL level?
Apparently Bowman is either full of shit (which is possible), or he disagrees that simply sitting back and expecting someone else to handle it was the move.

Ban anyone involved in this from the NHL for life. I'm not going to white knight for any of them.

North Cole

♧ Lem
Jan 22, 2017
is either full of shit (which is possible), or he disagrees that simply sitting back and expecting someone else to handle it was the move.

Ban anyone involved in this from the NHL for life. I'm not going to white knight for any of them.
It's crazy how many people are riding the "his bosses said they would deal with it" wave. The Jenner report lists him as the only person who recalls that being said. Sounds like a lightning rod defence. The report rails how generally useless the recollection of the May 23rd round table was from every memeber involved. No one could be pinned for a legit answer and no one was able to corroborate anything said beyond the Q/Mc platitude about how hard it was to get to the Cup.

Basically just a classic, everyone pointing at everyone, we dont remember anything, it was 10+ years ago. Which is especially damning considering how much actual detail there is in every other part of this event. Minus Donald Fehr apparently not remembering anything other than what was explicitly in the email from Black Ace 1.
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Registered User
Jul 4, 2024
It's crazy how many people are riding the "his bosses said they would deal with it" wave. The Jenner report lists him as the only person who recalls that being said. Sounds like a lightning rod defence. The report rails how generally useless the recollection of the May 23rd round table was from every memeber involved. No one could be pinned for a legit answer and no one was able to corroborate anything said beyond the Q/Mc platitude about how hard it was to get to the Cup.

Basically just a classic, everyone pointing at everyone, we dont remember anything, it was 10+ years ago. Which is especially damning considering how much actual detail there is in every other part of this event. Minus Donald Fehr apparently not remembering anything other than what was explicitly in the email from Black Ace 1.
Yeah when a poster linked the report in a since-removed, highly condescending post, I read a good chunk of it. I was surprised someone would use what was effectively nothing but contradictory testimonies and "I don't recall" as an answer to basically every important event in the timeline as evidence to support their claim that Bowman is being railroaded by "the mob." Maybe they didn't actually read the report that they linked for everyone else to read. 🤷‍♂️


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Bowman has all but admitted to it in his statements. His statement when he was suspended included a portion where he said he assumed it was being handled by someone above him (MacIsaac or McDonough), and that assumption was a mistake. In his more recent statement, he said he didn't handle things properly, and that he should have done more. That tells me even he knows he passed the buck.

Also the only thing I've found about his conversation with Beach is that the conversation "was encouraging." That's pretty vague.
That “encouraging” conversation included Beach inviting Bowman out to come help his team, they worked together hand in hand on an implementing a project at Trinity Western, where Beach works now. And since that working relationship, they talked throughout the year and even including the night before Bowman was accounced as GM.

It's crazy how many people are riding the "his bosses said they would deal with it" wave. The Jenner report lists him as the only person who recalls that being said. Sounds like a lightning rod defence. The report rails how generally useless the recollection of the May 23rd round table was from every memeber involved. No one could be pinned for a legit answer and no one was able to corroborate anything said beyond the Q/Mc platitude about how hard it was to get to the Cup.

Basically just a classic, everyone pointing at everyone, we dont remember anything, it was 10+ years ago. Which is especially damning considering how much actual detail there is in every other part of this event. Minus Donald Fehr apparently not remembering anything other than what was explicitly in the email from Black Ace 1.
McDonagh, the boss, is also the only one not to make statements since the incident. No correcting of the record. No defending his actions.

When Bowman said McDonagh would handle it, it’s pretty much confirmed by the fact that McDonagh was the one who ultimately handled it. He was the one to open the case with the HR dept. He did exactly as Bowman said he would.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
It's hiring's like these that help embolden and empower sexual predators...Oilers should be ashamed of themselves and any financials supporters of the team.

No it doesn’t. But if you think it does, then stop supporting the NHL which allows Bowman to get a job. But of course you won’t, and this is just a veiled attempt to attack the Oilers and its fanbase, as you always do anyways.
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North Cole

♧ Lem
Jan 22, 2017
That “encouraging” conversation included Beach inviting Bowman out to come help his team, they worked together hand in hand on an implementing a project at Trinity Western, where Beach works now. And since that working relationship, they talked throughout the year and even including the night before Bowman was accounced as GM.

McDonagh, the boss, is also the only one not to make statements since the incident. No correcting of the record. No defending his actions.

When Bowman said McDonagh would handle it, it’s pretty much confirmed by the fact that McDonagh was the one who ultimately handled it. He was the one to open the case with the HR dept. He did exactly as Bowman said he would.
Why would he correct the record? He's never coming back, he clearly doesn't care. The others are defending their actions because they have a vested interest in working in the NHL again, that's not altruistic. His weak defense of his actions is "my boss told me he would handle it" and "I should have done more". Just burying their heads in the sand, and then going on to fly to some places and meet some people lmao.

It's not confirmed by that at all. No one else recalls that even be said per the report. He's looking back on an incident 10 years ago which he seems to remember very little except the get out of jail free card of "my boss said he would do something".


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Why would he correct the record? He's never coming back, he clearly doesn't care. The others are defending their actions because they have a vested interest in working in the NHL again, that's not altruistic. His weak defense of his actions is "my boss told me he would handle it" and "I should have done more". Just burying their heads in the sand, and then going on to fly to some places and meet some people lmao.

It's not confirmed by that at all. No one else recalls that even be said per the report. He's looking back on an incident 10 years ago which he seems to remember very little except the get out of jail free card of "my boss said he would do something".
You know for know a fact that McDonagh doesn’t want to work anywhere else? Please provide proof. Maybe he didn’t defend his actions or even clarify cause it’s the plain truth and is indefensible. That would be the sensible assumption rather than he just doesn’t care to work anymore or doesn’t care about the reputation of his life’s work.

I never said it was alruistic, but the mere fact that they’ve put out defending statements that can easily be corrected/debunked by Beach or hired 3rd party investigators, points to it being true.

You say his “weak defence” as if he’s trying to deny that he made a mistake. He’s not denying anything. When he says what happened, it’s not even in an effort to defend himself. He’s admitted to f***ing up. He’s said he needed to do more. Those “defence” statements to me, sound like just statements of fact.

And again, his statement is CONFIRMED by the FACT that McDonagh went and handled it, exactly as Bowman stated he would.
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Dec 24, 2016
Apparently Bowman is either full of shit (which is possible), or he disagrees that simply sitting back and expecting someone else to handle it was the move.

Ban anyone involved in this from the NHL for life. I'm not going to white knight for any of them.
I'd hazard a guess that most people in the same situation would likely have wound up doing the same thing as everyone involved in those meetings.

But here on the internet, everyone is a pillar of moral fibre and outstanding integrity, and wouldn't hesitate to jump on a grenade because that internal compass just instinctually points to righteousness and unwavering, unquestionable virtue.

And no, I'm not apologizing for or absolving anyone in the Blackhawks organization that was touched by this somehow along the way. Just amazing to me that all of this same outrage isn't directed at the numerous people who are working, and have continued to work in and around the NHL since this all occurred. Instead, the one guy who by some pretty credible accounts has taken serious steps to not only make amends for what happened, but to learn, grow, and possibly help ensure it doesn't happen again in the future is the sole target of all this ire, simply because his name came up again and people took to suddenly remembering how much they hated him despite forgetting about anyone and everyone else involved along the way who is just as culpable.
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2019
Not really a fan of the hire because he is mediocre GM at best.

But man the moral superiority in this thread is really something. I am sure nobody here did anything wrong/something they regret
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North Cole

♧ Lem
Jan 22, 2017
You for know a fact that McDonagh doesn’t want to work anywhere else? Please provide proof. Maybe he didn’t defend his actions or even clarify cause it’s the plain truth and is indefensible. That would be the sensible assumption rather than he just doesn’t care to work anymore or doesn’t care about the reputation of his life’s work.

I never said it was alruistic, but the mere fact that they’ve put out defending statements that can easily be corrected/debunked by Beach or hired 3rd party investigators, points to it being true.

You say his “weak defence” as if he’s trying to deny that he made a mistake. He’s not denying anything. When he says what happened, it’s not even in an effort to defend himself. He’s admitted to f***ing up. He’s said he needed to do more. Those “defence” statements to me, sound like just statements of fact.

And again, his statement is CONFIRMED by the FACT that McDonagh went and handled it, exactly as Bowman stated he would.
McDung has been banned and there has been zilch uttered about him anywhere. These other clowns all went through the media cycle and got exposure, then low and behold - they get reinstated. That's not a coincidence. If McDung gave a shit about coming back, he'd be out there trying to repair his name the same way Snivelling Bowman has.

Lmao defending statements that can be debunked by Beach? What are you talking about? Gary was the go between Beach and the managers and 75% of the shit Gary says they can't even remember or corroborate. Including how serious the issue initially was. How would Beach be able to debunk anything? In the more recent years him and Beach have done some things but that's got nothing to do with the report.

"In his initial interview, McDonough denied that there was a discussion during
the meeting about who was going to address the issue or about tabling the
issue until after the playoffs.425"

Lmao, also McDung did push back on him being thrown under the bus by Stan. He could be a liar but let's not say he never said anything about it.

No his weak defense is pawning off the responsibility to someone else. Day to day hockey operations are literally the GMs job.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
McDung has been banned and there has been zilch uttered about him anywhere. These other clowns all went through the media cycle and got exposure, then low and behold - they get reinstated. That's not a coincidence. If McDung gave a shit about coming back, he'd be out there trying to repair his name the same way Snivelling Bowman has.

Lmao defending statements that can be debunked by Beach? What are you talking about? Gary was the go between Beach and the managers and 75% of the shit Gary says they can't even remember or corroborate. Including how serious the issue initially was. How would Beach be able to debunk anything? In the more recent years him and Beach have done some things but that's got nothing to do with the report.

"In his initial interview, McDonough denied that there was a discussion during
the meeting about who was going to address the issue or about tabling the
issue until after the playoffs.425"

Lmao, also McDung did push back on him being thrown under the bus by Stan. He could be a liar but let's not say he never said anything about it.
McDung wasn’t reinstated probably because the report indicates he was prime culprit when it comes to managerial failure. Again, confirming what Bowman said and how he characterized the meeting.

Those who were reinstated, or those who avoided any culpability whatsoever like Chevyldayoff were deemed to be less culpable than McDung. It wasn’t a PR campaign that got Chevy off the hook, nor Queenville, nor others as you stated. It was the facts of the case.

The statements Bowman made went public in the Report. Are public in pressers. Can easily be called out by anyone in the know, after the fact. It doesn’t need to have had happened at the time of the report. It could have happened any time after and even now can still be denied by those involved. No denials have come out.

In fact, again, Bowman’s statements have been confirmed by the actions of McDung. What Bowman said McDung said and would do, he did exactly that.


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