"Not probably false' covers a lot of ground considering only 12% of the cases end up with a conviction. Therefore, 88% of cases were "we are not sure. Didn't have enough evidence for conviction"
Standard for conviction is one thing. Standard for "this guy is very likely a predator and we need to get him the hell out of our organization and let people know why so he has a harder time victimizing others" is another ... you don't need a conviction by a jury of peers to have enough evidence to fire someone (and in an industry like hockey, to publicly out someone as dangerous). But you do need to make at least some effort to find out. As has been repeatedly pointed out by Bowman apologists, the Hawks are not law enforcement ... but it also means they didn't need to have him dead to rights legally to decide to take action.
Investigating and THEN determining you don't have sufficient info to take action would have been one thing. Investigating and finding sufficient evidence of wrongdoing followed by, "He's being let go because he assaulted another employee who wishes to remain anonymous at this time," would have been a perfectly good response, even without calling in the police.
"We can investigate, or you can go on your merry way and we'll pretend nothing happened, and we don't care if you continue to victimize others" however is not acceptable to anyone who takes sexual assault seriously. I think it's crazy there's even a few fans who think that's okay, which can only lead me to believe either they don't take sexual assault seriously, or they'll literally defend anything wrt their team.
When the guy resigned instead of accepting an investigation, only a complete moron would think he was likely innocent. I don't think those guys are morons, so my only conclusion can be that they didn't really care if he was victimizing more people, so long as it was somewhere else. Which makes them ... well, let's just say not good people.
And here's the thing, if you wanna say hey I like the hire from a hockey perspective and I really don't care about anything that isn't directly tied to on ice performance, if they win games/Cups I'm fine with whoever and whatever ... you know what, I could at least respect that honesty. I mean, it's not like we really know any of these guys, right? Fandom is to some extent a pretty superficial thing, we get fired up and emotionally invested in a for-profit entertainment product, from corporations who see us as cash flow. So maybe you really don't care what he did. If that's just how you want to approach it, I can understand it even if that's not how my fandom would work for my team. But to try and argue that these former Hawks douches weren't actually being douches, that ain't gonna fly.