Unlimited Chequing
Christian Yellow
Our CFHF gatherings will need to be at another place now.
Does Popeyes Chicken have tvs?
Our CFHF gatherings will need to be at another place now.
Does Popeyes Chicken have tvs?
The next house I buy will have space for the 4 of us that show up.
What the hell is CFHF??
Rocco Galati is an Italian-born Canadian lawyer who specializes in cases involving constitutional law and also suspects of terrorism. Has filed a statement of claim against the Government and CBC at the behest of multiple groups and individuals most of which are redacted on the digital scan, but should be revealed in the future. The Statement of Claim is for the outright violation of rights with the COVID measures that are scientifically, nor medically based nor proven to be effective, whatsoever and are extreme, unwarranted and unjustified.
Digital Scan - https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/vcc-statement-of-claim-2020-redacted.pdf
(VIDEO VOLUME KICKS IN AT 2 minutes 40 seconds of video)
Rocco Galati is an Italian-born Canadian lawyer who specializes in cases involving constitutional law and also suspects of terrorism. Has filed a statement of claim against the Government and CBC at the behest of multiple groups and individuals most of which are redacted on the digital scan, but should be revealed in the future. The Statement of Claim is for the outright violation of rights with the COVID measures that are scientifically, nor medically based nor proven to be effective, whatsoever and are extreme, unwarranted and unjustified.
Digital Scan - https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/vcc-statement-of-claim-2020-redacted.pdf
(VIDEO VOLUME KICKS IN AT 2 minutes 40 seconds of video)
Discussion on the current court filing against Federal Government and CBC. It's easy to dismiss this as Angelsmith and InfinityIggy have, however, the more I look into this the more concern I have.
Rocco Galati“It's the same kind of thing that got Donald Trump elected despite a complete lack of qualification or competency for his job.”
“What an asshole, honestly. The government scrambles in a crisis to attempt to avoid massive, unnecessary deaths, and guys like this look for a way to turn a profit.”
If this lawsuit was to succeed, it would set a precedent that the government should not act to keep its population safe until enough people have died to generate more robust studies. It probably has a snowball's chance in hell.
Many of your points are very popular talking points for anti-restriction folks that have been debunked for, respectively, missing the point or making a flawed comparison. For instance, the claim that more people are dying of factors X, Y and Z is absolutely true, but makes a flawed comparison by implying that other collateral deaths would not occur in the event of a healthcare system overrun. In a lot of your points regarding the anti-COVID measures, you are putting a lot of faith in fringe accounts that go against much more popularly-accepted truths. I'm sorry if I am calling out conspiracy theory tendencies, but that's one of the major ones: explaining how untrustworthy certain sources are because of complete trust in other sources. Regardless, I don't expect to change your mind on those specifics even as a scientist, but I'd rather focus on the more overarching themes here:
1) Motivations. Why do I think this guy is an asshole? His childish behaviour on twitter is a big part of it, but I really do question his motives. No, he's not going to win himself millions here, but by capitalizing on this wave of hysteria from anti-restrictionists, he's getting himself a nice payday by putting forth this lawsuit. Through his twitter and his appearances, he is also creating a decent persecution complex, which means that he can further his reputation from this even if he loses. Moreover, the motivations of those that he is going after here are beyond reproach. No matter what you think about the restrictions, the one thing I think we can all agree on is that the government has absolutely no motivation to do them other than desperately wanting to keep people as safe as possible. What the actions are that further that goal has been developing ever since the beginning of the pandemic, but that is pretty clearly the goal, and the government is going out of its way to pursue it despite taking a big financial hit that will hurt their budget, and despite what it will do to the economy, which will be linked with their term in office. This is what we want from leadership.
2) Freedom and choice. One of our most primary values in the west, sure. But we all accept limits on this, and the line in the sand for basically everyone is the same: choice is an absolutely must in all situations unless they infringe on the freedoms of others. We aren't free to choose whether or not to murder someone. We aren't free to choose whether or not to pay for a purchase. We aren't free to decide which house we sleep in each night. We aren't free to decide whether to pay taxes.
“When I was growing up, people were free to choose whether to smoke in restaurants or not. Upon realizing that this infringed on others and had serious medical consequences, that changed. Various countries have different rules regarding firearms, but in general, it is not total freedom to choose whatever you want and carry it wherever you want; again, this is because of the negative impacts on others and their freedom to live in a peaceful society. Auto insurance is mandatory because not being able to pay for the damage you do to another's vehicle when it's your fault causes them undeserved financial fallout. The vaccine issue follows along these same lines. The science is extremely robust in terms of the positive effects of vaccines, which means that failing to vaccinate has a very tangible negative impact on the health and safety of the vulnerable. I don't know if legislation mandating it is necessarily going to come about, but I think the social pressure is definitely from a good place. People just want others to do the right thing and create the safest possible society.”
The exact same things can be said about the COVID restrictions. We're sacrificing certain less important freedoms in order to protect our freedom to health and medical care. It really is that simple.
You “love” your dehumanizing buzzwords, “anti-restriction folks“. Do you mean, I’m a law-abiding citizen and I demand that our government abide by the laws set in our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Then yes, I am. Are you referring to the very few paraphrased facts, out of hundreds, I posted from a 191 page “The Statement of Claim” written by a (as evidenced above) a highly respected Ontario Lawyer? Please debunk the Statement of Claim because the small administrative Government in control of the shutdown can’t debunk them as evidenced with the lack of a lawful declaration. You just skipped over that fact and dehumanized me with “anti-restriction folks” to ignore the logical and well-reasoned point that I made. I’ll accept that you’d rather maintain partisan and just took a knee on that fact.
You’re not calling out conspiracy tendencies. You haven’t called out or proven anything. You did, however use the buzzword “conspiracy theories” to, again, try to dehumanize and minimize my words. In effect, you’re trying to turn the discussion around on me with emotional buzzwords. I am pointing to a Statement of Claim written by a highly respected lawyer that has focused his body of work for the public for over the last 20 years.
There are no “more popular accepted truths” in this lockdown or in the Covid measures. You’re literally getting news delivered through statements from a disgustingly small administration. Hence no declaration and no rule of law. THERE IS NO CONVERSATION. Doctors are not being asked or polled their opinion. I will believe John Ioannidis over an administrative board ignoring rule of law and over you as a scientist. Dr. Ioannidis is the qualified Doctor I stumbled upon in March. “John Ioannidis is a lion of medical science. The Stanford University professor is the author of some of the most cited journal articles in medical history. His research in statistics and biomedicine has arguably changed the practice of medicine. A 2010 article in The Atlantic said “Ioannidis may be one of the most influential scientists alive.” And you would never know any of this from reading comments about him today.”
What YOU think of the guy is immaterial. You asserted that he was a “smart-talking con man driving a narrative with confirmation bias and spin-laden youtube videos”. I proved you wrong and I even stated that you were “categorically false”. That leaves you with either this emotional response and back pedaling or what you should have said, “You’re right Corpus X. You’re my daddy. (I’m teasing)” Instead you chose to dig deeper into nonsensical justifications that don’t matter.
The wave of hysteria from citizens demanding the Government follow the law? Can you play up some more? You are jumping into a conspiracy theory by trying to guess his motives. He listed his motives in the press conference that was ignored by Corporate Media and the second video I posted. He doesn’t need more exposure to improve his standing. He is widely respected by his peers and I have evidenced.
No matter what, I think these measures are for safety? Have you read anything I posted? If the actions are beyond reproach there would be a paper trail of laws being followed. The small administrative body is causing more harm than it appears your able to comprehend or refuse to see logic to. I’ll ask you a simple question. What happens to a multibillion-dollar corporation when it’s failing and eventually fails and goes bankrupt? What happens to a country in that same manner? What happens when government fails? What happens when budgets can’t be met? When the financial laws have no financing to back them up? What is a junk grade economy? What will happen to government jobs when there is nothing in the budget? What will happen to the private sector when the consolidated revenue fund is bankrupt? What will your pension be worth? What will your RRSP’s and your homes that will foreclose be worth? The public who took money from the government will have assets seized to cover debts and you are literally showing true ignorance to say “despite the economy”. You’ve been living in a first world for too long. Suicides, violence, and food shortages are going to be the real pandemic. Anyone worth their salt in Economics would point out the same thing. I’d go further into the actions that would be taken but you need to understand these noted actions before jumping ahead or it wouldn’t make sense to you and you’d start attacking my credibility and me a conspiracy theorist. I’m not being smarmy. I am being truthful and literal.
Most freedoms given up are through signed contracts. You sign up for the Army, you sign up to get your driver’s license, your phone contract, banking, employment contract and CRA salary agreement (I can’t remember the form number)… You sign them every day. You cannot be forced by government; they require an agreement. The green text I hope is sarcasm.
Smoking was a corporate lobbyist issue. A Firearms license is another contract you sign and based on the jurisdiction you are in you are adhering to laws created by their legislative assembly. Except the recent “changes”. Again, unconstitutional, and they will be reversed if or once legislation opens up. Auto Insurance or having $200000, or $50000 in Quebec, set aside in place of insurance, is part of the agreement in the Driver’s license you sign. Auto Insurance just covers that obligation for you. It’s not required. Vaccines are medical and Government controlled. They cannot force a person into medical treatment of any kind without bastardizing the highest of Canadian Law. Vaccination again only boosts the immune response and a shot does not mean you have a cure. Lobbyists are trying to circumvent the laws. Your favorite Lawyer named above talks about it but you wouldn’t know because you seem to have no need of evidence. You’ve made up your mind. The social pressure is from lobbyists and a small obnoxious group. You can’t mandate “safe”. You cannot bubble wrap the earth. One can, however, choose to bubble wrap themselves and then full stop.
All Jurisdictions that have not shut down or have thrown out the restrictions are doing fine. The balance news reporting has confirmed this… Oh, wait…
I get the need to grasp on to the logic that everything will be fine. The situation is being handled by honest Liberals that haven’t ignored the law or abused power ever in the last 5 years... The problem is:
A highly respected lawyer that has ALWAYS worked for the people (It doesn’t matter what you think of him and calling him a meanie doesn’t change his accomplishments nor discredit the lawsuit) has amassed a 191 page document filled with an “avalanche” of evidence including timelines, experts in their field including Economists, Dr.’s, and scientists including Nobel winners. Professionals with a reputation wouldn’t do that willy-nilly and I would listen to them before you and a small administration breaking the highest of Canadian law under the guise of public safety.
Once again, I am in agreement that Justin Trudeau must follow the law and make a declaration. Everything else can be debated after. All the "experts" will have their say and the truth, whatever it will be, will rise to the top... Like refreshing cream.so are you arguing that we should be more like Florida and Arizona and Texas?
I’m all for standing up to the government about maintaining our rights and freedoms, but when it’s to sit at home for a few months. Social distance and wear a mask. To save hundreds of thousands of people’s lives. Then it is just common sense to do that.
the reason people call this lawyer a douche is because he’s making this an issue when it shouldn’t be. It’s a global pandemic and countries like Canada successfully contained the virus with our actions. More people didn’t die because the plan worked.
I never heard the outrage from the far-right (where the outrage is coming from) when North Americans sacrificed their freedoms in laws like “bill c51” In Canada or “the Patritot act” in the USA... gotta stop them terrorizers who kill like 5 people a year...But how could we possibly sacrifice our freedoms for a virus that’s killed hundreds of thousands? (I had 4 students who lost their father in his late thirties)
There is so much to unpack… I channeled my inner Fig.
You “love” your dehumanizing buzzwords, “anti-restriction folks“. Do you mean, I’m a law-abiding citizen and I demand that our government abide by the laws set in our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Then yes, I am. Are you referring to the very few paraphrased facts, out of hundreds, I posted from a 191 page “The Statement of Claim” written by a (as evidenced above) a highly respected Ontario Lawyer? Please debunk the Statement of Claim because the small administrative Government in control of the shutdown can’t debunk them as evidenced with the lack of a lawful declaration. You just skipped over that fact and dehumanized me with “anti-restriction folks” to ignore the logical and well-reasoned point that I made. I’ll accept that you’d rather maintain partisan and just took a knee on that fact.
You’re not calling out conspiracy tendencies. You haven’t called out or proven anything. You did, however use the buzzword “conspiracy theories” to, again, try to dehumanize and minimize my words. In effect, you’re trying to turn the discussion around on me with emotional buzzwords. I am pointing to a Statement of Claim written by a highly respected lawyer that has focused his body of work for the public for over the last 20 years.
There are no “more popular accepted truths” in this lockdown or in the Covid measures. You’re literally getting news delivered through statements from a disgustingly small administration. Hence no declaration and no rule of law. THERE IS NO CONVERSATION. Doctors are not being asked or polled their opinion. I will believe John Ioannidis over an administrative board ignoring rule of law and over you as a scientist. Dr. Ioannidis is the qualified Doctor I stumbled upon in March. “John Ioannidis is a lion of medical science. The Stanford University professor is the author of some of the most cited journal articles in medical history. His research in statistics and biomedicine has arguably changed the practice of medicine. A 2010 article in The Atlantic said “Ioannidis may be one of the most influential scientists alive.” And you would never know any of this from reading comments about him today.”
What YOU think of the guy is immaterial. You asserted that he was a “smart-talking con man driving a narrative with confirmation bias and spin-laden youtube videos”. I proved you wrong and I even stated that you were “categorically false”. That leaves you with either this emotional response and back pedaling or what you should have said, “You’re right Corpus X. You’re my daddy. (I’m teasing)” Instead you chose to dig deeper into nonsensical justifications that don’t matter.
The wave of hysteria from citizens demanding the Government follow the law? Can you play up some more? You are jumping into a conspiracy theory by trying to guess his motives. He listed his motives in the press conference that was ignored by Corporate Media and the second video I posted. He doesn’t need more exposure to improve his standing. He is widely respected by his peers and I have evidenced.
No matter what, I think these measures are for safety? Have you read anything I posted? If the actions are beyond reproach there would be a paper trail of laws being followed. The small administrative body is causing more harm than it appears your able to comprehend or refuse to see logic to. I’ll ask you a simple question. What happens to a multibillion-dollar corporation when it’s failing and eventually fails and goes bankrupt? What happens to a country in that same manner? What happens when government fails? What happens when budgets can’t be met? When the financial laws have no financing to back them up? What is a junk grade economy? What will happen to government jobs when there is nothing in the budget? What will happen to the private sector when the consolidated revenue fund is bankrupt? What will your pension be worth? What will your RRSP’s and your homes that will foreclose be worth? The public who took money from the government will have assets seized to cover debts and you are literally showing true ignorance to say “despite the economy”. You’ve been living in a first world for too long. Suicides, violence, and food shortages are going to be the real pandemic. Anyone worth their salt in Economics would point out the same thing. I’d go further into the actions that would be taken but you need to understand these noted actions before jumping ahead or it wouldn’t make sense to you and you’d start attacking my credibility and me a conspiracy theorist. I’m not being smarmy. I am being truthful and literal.
Most freedoms given up are through signed contracts. You sign up for the Army, you sign up to get your driver’s license, your phone contract, banking, employment contract and CRA salary agreement (I can’t remember the form number)… You sign them every day. You cannot be forced by government; they require an agreement. The green text I hope is sarcasm.
All Jurisdictions that have not shut down or have thrown out the restrictions are doing fine.
Corpus your last several replies really unveil that your 'arguments' and support of Rocco's actions are simply guises for your emotional dislike of Trudeau/'Liberals'.
You don't have to like Trudeau or 'Liberals' of course, but when you lecture Anglesmith over using 'emotional buzzwords', it really rings hollow as you're doing much the same thing.