Oakland Athletics relocation to Las Vegas thread: Move to Vegas approved by MLB owners - Will play in Sacramento for 3-4 years

Nogatco Rd

Music Has The Right To Children
Apr 3, 2021
Great eulogy in the local paper

An excerpt:

On a quiet night in Alameda, when I open up the windows, walk the dog, or sit out on the porch, and if the wind is just right and the schedule aligns, I can hear it.

Bum nah nah nah.

Bum nah nah nah.

It’s the recorded organ undercurrent to the best chant in the world, echoing from five miles away, carrying over the estuary waters and serenading me at home. It’s the ever-so-often soundtrack of my summers, and every time I hear it, I can’t help but play along:

Let’s Go Oak-land.

Let’s Go Oak-land.

The A’s are not my childhood team. You can’t consider me a diehard Green and Gold fan. My relationship with the team is one born solely of proximity — it stems from a decade of living in and loving the East Bay.

But it still hit me like a ton of bricks as that dulcet bass line crept into my living room again and again these past few nights. Much like the organ music reverberating over the water, the truth was inescapable:

We’ll probably never hear that chant at a big-league game again.

As I write this, the digital photo frame in my office rotated to a picture of me, my wife, and our then six-month-old daughter at her first baseball game — April 16, 2023. The A’s played the Mets at the Coliseum that day, and Lottie was generally unamused.

Last Friday, we took out-of-town friends to see the A’s play the Yankees. As I carried her through the insane traffic of the Coliseum concourse, she pointed to the field below us and yelled, “Baseball!”

The A’s might not have been my team, but they were supposed to be her team.

And it angers me to no end that they’ll never end up being our team.


Feeling Salty
Jun 14, 2004
Baseball was my first sport I liked, and the A's were my first favorite team as a kid. Then hockey came along. It may not be equal but as a Coyotes fan I hate relocation so I can relate in a way. Oakland fans didn't deserve to lose two teams in such a short amount of time.

Terry Yake

Registered User
Aug 5, 2013
Considering 3 professional teams have left Oakland in the last decade, maybe the problem is with the city itself?
the city hasn't been perfect through all of this, but they were willing to give fisher what he wanted for the howard terminal ballpark and he bailed to vegas once he realized oakland was actually being serious. fisher/MLB were never serious about staying in oakland

the raiders left because davis couldn't afford a new stadium without public funding and vegas was willing to provide that while oakland wasn't. if i recall, the raiders wanted to redevelop the coliseum site but weren't able to because the A's had signed a new lease

warriors have always been a bay area team, not specifically oakland's team. they went back to SF because there was simply more money to be made playing there


Registered User
Apr 30, 2011
apparently they'll only be known as "the athletics" while playing in sacramento

of course, ownership went ahead and trademarked "sacramento athletics" and "sacramento A's" anyways because they know vegas isn't happening
I'm hoping it falls through and they have to go crawling back to negotiating with the city of Oakland for a new ballpark. But realistically they would probably just stay in Sacramento before they swallowed their pride. By "they" I mean their absentee owner

John Price

Gang Gang
Sep 19, 2008
They're blowing up the Trop soon but financing for Vegas is on shaky ground so it's certainly no guarantee

I'm hoping it falls through and they have to go crawling back to negotiating with the city of Oakland for a new ballpark. But realistically they would probably just stay in Sacramento before they swallowed their pride. By "they" I mean their absentee owner
they'll never go back to oakland. that bridge is burned
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Registered User
Apr 30, 2011
They're blowing up the Trop soon but financing for Vegas is on shaky ground so it's certainly no guarantee

they'll never go back to oakland. that bridge is burned
I can see the clueless mayor of Oakland allowing them to come back and play temporarily until they move elsewhere. I'd only allow them back if it was to be permanent, otherwise they can go pound sand. You made your bed, now lie in it.

That said, in that situation the commish would probably blackmail them with "if you don't allow them to come back, you'll never be considered for expansion" type crap though so who knows how it'll play out. Vegas doesn't even sound like a sure thing, the taxpayers don't want to have to fund any new stadium and frankly should never have to.

Terry Yake

Registered User
Aug 5, 2013
I can see the clueless mayor of Oakland allowing them to come back and play temporarily until they move elsewhere. I'd only allow them back if it was to be permanent, otherwise they can go pound sand. You made your bed, now lie in it.

That said, in that situation the commish would probably blackmail them with "if you don't allow them to come back, you'll never be considered for expansion" type crap though so who knows how it'll play out. Vegas doesn't even sound like a sure thing, the taxpayers don't want to have to fund any new stadium and frankly should never have to.
MLB has been done with oakland for years now and there's zero chance they'll ever be considered for an expansion franchise. coliseum was sold to a development group recently anyways. i believe a USL soccer team is going to be playing there next year

if (when) they become stuck in sacramento and vegas is officially off the table, the league will force fisher to sell and the team will probably end up in a city like nashville or portland


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