Looking the part is always nice, but you cannot assume if someone is "in shape" or not just by looking at them. Of course if someone is obese it is safe to say they aren't a professional athlete, but in this case you cannot make judgements based on appear alone.
And to make things even clearer... The muscle bound, cut men and women you see in the gym/on web/magazines aren't always in great "shape" specific to the sport of hockey or or even generally healthy for that matter! Looks can be very deceiving.
When it comes to aerobic activities, running, endurance etc. how you appear on the outside really has little to do with it. Each one of us has a unique physiology and the systems within them that include cardiovascular, hemodynamics, lactate threshold, aerobic capacity, speed, etc can be worked on and improved to a degree but some people just naturally have a better system under the hood and respond to the stress of exercise differently than the average player.
I agree Buchnevich could benefit from hockey specific strength training, but I can only base that upon his performance on the ice.