You can choose to see the game, contracts, cap management, special teams, production, rank various players, and form whatever opinions any way you like.
Where you seem to consistently lose the room on those items above is you spent quite a bit of time and energy post-rationalizing what the Leafs did as the most correct course of action, couldn’t have done it another way, the Leaf player is the better player, etc. like there is no option for an alternate solution. Everything we have is the best.
Then you sum up everything and the result is we don’t have championship results… because the fanbase is toxic. Such a strange conclusion to come to after spending so much time and energy defending everything the franchise does.
Yeah, you can choose to see things any way you like - it's a free country - but don't be surprised when people on a message board are trying to discuss things the way they factually are, with receipts. Nothing you said about me here is accurate, and I'm not sure why you're spending all of this time and energy trying to mislabel and misrepresent me, instead of spending that time and energy addressing the discussion that you seemed all too happy to enter into until the facts disproved your claim.
No, I don't think the Leafs always take the correct course of action. No, I don't think that what we do is the only way things can be done and there are no alternate solutions. No, I don't think that the Leafs player is always better, or that everything we have is the best. But, unlike many on this board, I also don't think the Leafs always take the wrong course of action. I don't think the alternate solution is always the better one. I don't think that our players are always worse than opposing players, and everything we have is the worst. But apparently, following the facts and taking a more balanced and nuanced approach than dumping on everything Leaf-related means that somebody "defends everything the franchise does".
If we make a good move, I will say it and explain why.
If we make a bad move, I will say it and explain why.
If our team is better than another team, I will say it and explain why.
If our team is worse than another team, I will say it and explain why.
If our player is better than another player, I will say it and explain why.
If our player is worse than another player, I will say it and explain why.
That is how everybody should operate. It's not outrageous to want to discuss things accurately and honestly.
I'm not sure how you got "we don't have championship results because the fanbase is toxic" from anything I said.
Toxicity in our market certainly doesn't help (I mean, ROR is just the latest example of not wanting to deal with it), but what I was actually referencing was the decades this franchise wasted making bad, impatient, short-sighted decisions. Throwing away some of the best players this franchise has ever seen over squabbles about how much we get to underpay them relative to their impact would be very reminiscent of that.