No thanks. If Dobson was available, I think SJ would be interested, but not for Smith, our first, or next year’s first. A package including Dallas 1st, EDM 1st, Musty, Cherny, Bystedt, and maybe Eklund I could definitely see. Maybe Dickinson, but I’d pass.
Can’t imagine you’d get a Hagens/Smith level asset for Dobson. He’d be our #1 dman, but he has had a down year, and UFA/$10M contract is right around the corner. If he were better defensively, I’d be game. His offense, minute-munching, size, and right hand shot are all needs. Maybe Buffalo/Philly would give 4-7 but I think both would be better off with drafting one of the young centers.
Maybe you could grab Rossi (though their defense is pretty stacked) or one of the top young guys in Seattle, but teams seldom move top tier young centers, doubly so on an ELC.
26 year old top pairing RHD don’t become available often, and we need one, but I’d rather have Smith and Martone/Hagens.