He should go finish off what that lady in the stripped shirt started too before she splits those jeans.
Is she sitting next to Bob Miller?
He should go finish off what that lady in the stripped shirt started too before she splits those jeans.
He should go finish off what that lady in the stripped shirt started too before she splits those jeans.
He definitely looks like a Bill Bailey now. Yikes
$650 is actually for the 128 gig model... but yeah they are still expensive.
Looks like I wont be buying one for another year or so. Will probably get the 6P when they announce the new one and prices drop. The regular 6 is so amazingly cheap now, and still great so Ill just wait till the same happens with the P.
It says $645 on Google, but $549 on the Play Store.
Nexus 6 is so goddamn big though. I have no problems with Phablets (I'm currently using a 6 Plus and have no problem with the size), but the N6 feels like a full-on tablet.
This thread now belongs to Negan
So long as my knee doesn't go back to 2015 levels (5 incidents where I injured it in one way or another)...I'll be fine with 2016...I hope everyone has a successful, productive, and most importantly, healthy 2016!