No one comes to 11 yr olds B-day party, Leafs+NHLers step up


Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
Nobody is saying anything against the players, what they and the Leafs are doing is amazing. At the same time, how exactly would they react in this situation? They had no choice but to do something beyond just tweet a birthday message. The father tagged a couple of them so if they didn't reply and do something they'd look bad.
Probably no choice but it goes with territory.

I would not have done what the father did. However this is a ten year old kid in a crappy situation. Either he has no friends (or crappy ones), he has a father who uses him as internet fodder, or both. My heart breaks for the kid, regardless of the truth.

My point is just that a bunch of players did something nice of their own volition (regardless of whether they felt they had to or not). No skin off our backs to smile and say “Gee, that’s nice” or do nothing at all.

Kid has a rough situation, either way.
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Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
Reminds me of when I tell my mom something is probably fake, and she responds with "who cares, it's a nice thing!". Not the point...

bunch of suckers.
I think your Mom is a smart lady. The internet could learn a lot from her. “who cares, it’s a nice thing” — not the worst words to live by.

Particularly as most of this sort of stuff matters not one iota in our lives. Better to heed your Mom’s advice and sometimes believe in good rather than automatically assuming the worst.:thumbu:

And no, I’m not suggesting we all give our bank details to a widowed Princess who emails us Out of the blue!:laugh:
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Nov 10, 2008
Does nobody RSVP anymore?

Exactly what my Wife said. Either nobody committed to being there or everyone bailed. Either way, the youngster had a crap Bday and good on the team for stepping up and making this kids whole life. He'll talk about this for the rest of his life.

I don't get where there are so many cynics on this topic. Like I said earlier, regardless of how it all went down it's stilla nice story and good on the players for stepping up.

Frank Drebin

He's just a child
Mar 9, 2004
Lmao, what a parent. Hey world, here is a picture of my child who was just humiliated and hurt that no one showed up to his birthday party.

Social media, I swear
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Jul 9, 2012
Im glad that all those people wished him a happy bday. Hope it made his day special.

But its so weird to me that his dad would post this.
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Frank Drebin

He's just a child
Mar 9, 2004
All joking aside, it’s truly amazing.

People should imagine for a moment that this story is exactly as reported.

Maybe a lonely awkward boy invites people for a bday party and no one shows. Father broadcasts his picture and sad state of affairs on social media (awkward and maybe exacerbating problem). Some players and celebs take a moment to do something nice (and alleviating problem 1 and 2 somewhat — or a lot).

Then a bunch of internet jockeys piss all over it by saying it’s not true (and, yes, the kid will see the nice responses AND the piss taking) casting a negative shadow on some good coming out of an overall crappy situation regardless of the actual truth.

We wonder why some people go off the rails in life. And to what end? Who cares what the real story is — beyond something nice happening.

Society reaps what it sews.
People go off the rails because of reactions to social media posts, or because their fathers publicize the worst day of their young lives?


Registered User
Mar 29, 2014
Or for all we know, this kid could be a total *******

Maybe there’s a reason nobody wanted or wanted their kids to go?? Ever think of that??

Imagine if he's a bully or always bragging about stuff and now has a whole bunch more ammo to use at school.

"Did the PM wish YOU a happy birthday? Didn't think so, loser!"


Come at me bros.
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Registered User
Aug 19, 2015
Not to mention the fact that dad just friend-shamed his own, "hey internet, no one came to my kid's birthday party. Here he is in a depressing empty room, looking like he just finished crying."

I don't think I'd want my picture taken if I was the kid in that situation, maybe that's just me though. I don't have any kids so I can't attest to the lengths some parents would go but this does seem a bit much.

You know, i kinda had that feeling. Like I mean he made it public and IDed himself so its like telling the internet his son has friend issues? Like i was thinking the last thing i would want to do when i had that occur was to announce it to the world.

This is my thought too every time I see one of these. Does this kid really want to go viral for not having any friends? Sounds awful.

Most of the public will forget him, I can’t imagine any embarrassment will last. But even still, having zero friends is about the worst feeling you can have. Maybe literally the worst. Maybe having some friends to help you through embarrassment is better than having no friends in total obscurity. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I think some kids are just shy and it doesn’t necessarily mean they have some big issue. As for the other kids, sometimes they aren’t necessarily mean but simply go about their lives and don’t realize a classmate is that sad, because of his shyness. It can be a wake up call, if even just a few kids rally around him, he’s better off.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 29, 2008
Most of the public will forget him, I can’t imagine any embarrassment will last. But even still, having zero friends is about the worst feeling you can have. Maybe literally the worst. Maybe having some friends to help you through embarrassment is better than having no friends in total obscurity. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I think some kids are just shy and it doesn’t necessarily mean they have some big issue. As for the other kids, sometimes they aren’t necessarily mean but simply go about their lives and don’t realize a classmate is that sad, because of his shyness. It can be a wake up call, if even just a few kids rally around him, he’s better off.

Oh yeah totally, I had what would be prescribed as a rough childhood for sure and can empathize with the kid. That being said I mentioned we are kind of looking at it from a microscope type situation so we're obviously analyzing aspects of what happened. I think in terms of what the Leafs did its great PR though.
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