Nintendo Switch #4: More than 1 year later

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Forever 43!
Mar 31, 2015
I was having this discussion with some friends today over video call and thought I would bring it here.

What are the 3 things you want the most out of Nintendo in the coming 1-2 years? Mine were:
  1. Mario Kart 8 DLC: At this point it makes way too much sense. The game has made a ton of money and I believe it's still top of the chart (or at least close) in terms of sales. There has been no new MK stuff since the DLC on the Wii U and it just seems odd that the series has had so little in terms of new content. Would love to see some new courses themed around some of the newer switch games, some new characters, and the return of older one's... I still cannot believe Birdo is not in the game.
  2. Wind Waker 2: Wind Waker is my favourite Zelda game and maybe my favourite game of all time, would love for them to revisit the art style and maybe and maybe make a game that is open like BoTW but has more emphasis on a boat? Probably a pipe dream but it would be fun.
  3. Metroid Prime Stuff: Would obviously love some Metroid Prime 4 news, it has been far too long since this legendary series got life! Before a fourth title comes out, it would be great to have the original three games remade in HD.
Would love to hear other peoples thoughts on the matter, even if it's a wild pipe dream.

Frankie Blueberries

Dream Team
Jan 27, 2016
Good idea for a topic!

1. Metroid Prime Stuff - Agreed with your point. I would love for them to contract out an HD remake of the first trilogy while they work internally on a sequel.

2. Windwaker HD Port - just take the Wii-U version and port it to Switch, this should be easy for them. But I realize they probably don't want to minimize Link's Awakening/BOTW 2's sales.

3. Keep the 3rd party titles coming, even if they're older - what comes to mind immediately would be the Valve catalogue. There's no reason why they couldn't port pretty much all of Valve's games onto the Switch, but I realize Valve isn't really interested in developing games just to make money, but rather to push technological boundaries.

4. Bring back F-Zero, Earthbound, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Advance Wars, and other neglected franchises - 'nough said, really. I heard they wanted to hire Criterion (Burnout developer) in 2015 to work on an F-Zero game on the Wii-U, but it fell through because Criterion was busy working on Need for Speed.

5. Give the Pokemon licence to a developer who actually wants to improve the games - 'nough said as well. I think a Pokemon MMO would be nuts, but just having a developer who wants to make a more ambitious game rather than Game Freak would be a win.

6. Mario Golf please - this seems likely since a Mario Golf was released on the 3DS and sold quite well.

7. Better voice support online - very few games have voice support, and barely anyone uses it. Why doesn't the Pro controller come with a headphone jack for a mic? This one seems like a pipe dream.


107 and counting
Feb 16, 2012
Good idea for a topic!

1. Metroid Prime Stuff - Agreed with your point. I would love for them to contract out an HD remake of the first trilogy while they work internally on a sequel.

2. Windwaker HD Port - just take the Wii-U version and port it to Switch, this should be easy for them. But I realize they probably don't want to minimize Link's Awakening/BOTW 2's sales.

3. Keep the 3rd party titles coming, even if they're older - what comes to mind immediately would be the Valve catalogue. There's no reason why they couldn't port pretty much all of Valve's games onto the Switch, but I realize Valve isn't really interested in developing games just to make money, but rather to push technological boundaries.

4. Bring back F-Zero, Earthbound, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Advance Wars, and other neglected franchises - 'nough said, really. I heard they wanted to hire Criterion (Burnout developer) in 2015 to work on an F-Zero game on the Wii-U, but it fell through because Criterion was busy working on Need for Speed.

5. Give the Pokemon licence to a developer who actually wants to improve the games - 'nough said as well. I think a Pokemon MMO would be nuts, but just having a developer who wants to make a more ambitious game rather than Game Freak would be a win.

6. Mario Golf please - this seems likely since a Mario Golf was released on the 3DS and sold quite well.

7. Better voice support online - very few games have voice support, and barely anyone uses it. Why doesn't the Pro controller come with a headphone jack for a mic? This one seems like a pipe dream.
Great list. I've never really played Mario Golf games, but the rest is exactly what I want from Switch at this point +Pikmin.

I'd love little more than a new F-Zero or at least a remake of the best racing game ever in GX with online functionality, but it's been 17 years so knows what will happen with the series.

I feel Nintendo has been playing it safe recently and just producing, as always, high quality iterations of their biggest franchises like Mario and Zelda but I'd like to see them rejuvenate some of these neglected franchises, like the ones you listed. I feel they produced more, and a wider variety of games in the Gamecube era than they are now, even though their home console and handheld are now integrated.
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Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
I have heard so much about Wind Waker lately that even I would be excited for a Switch port, and I've only played OoT in the Zelda franchise.


I've never played it, but honestly I think the landscape is ripe for another installment in a bizarre world like that.

5. Give the Pokemon licence to a developer who actually wants to improve the games - 'nough said as well. I think a Pokemon MMO would be nuts, but just having a developer who wants to make a more ambitious game rather than Game Freak would be a win.

While I really enjoy the franchise with Game Freak at the helm, I wouldn't mind seeing them send the license to someone else to give it a go in a new way....not take it away from Game Freak, but add a new entry.

All in all, I guess my biggest answer would IP? Or new styles of games using existing Nintendo IP?

While my Switch purchase has been absolutely worth it (probably worth it just on the hours my wife and I have spent in Fire Emblem, to be honest :laugh:), I don't see a ton I'm looking forward to at the moment. There are some games to go back and catch up on of course.


You thrust your pelvis, huh!
Apr 12, 2010
Itoi has gone on record several times saying that there won't be another game in the MOTHER/Earthbound series.

With that said, maybe it's finally time to release MOTHER3 to the west.

Randy Butternubs

Registered User
Mar 15, 2008
Nice idea for a topic, @robertmac43
  1. More Metroid 4 info, even just a teaser trailer.
  2. Star Fox in the gameplay style of Mass Effect. I own the WiiU game, but haven't played it yet (it's actually a recent purchase). However, I've not heard good things about how it controls. Going with a Mass Effect-esque game would give you both flight sections and 3rd person action. And it'd expand their universe. I've yet to buy Starlink, but want to.
  3. F-Zero GX HD. This would look glorious and the gameplay years back was fun and challenging.
  4. Not for me, but for my brother I hope there's a Wind Waker release. He hadn't really played a Zelda since Majora's Mask and he found the BotW "formula" to be too different from what he was used to.
  5. A new Eternal Darkness type game.
  6. Paid for DLC for the story mode of Luigi's Mansion 3. I love that game.
That's all I've got for now.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
  1. Star Fox in the gameplay style of Mass Effect. I own the WiiU game, but haven't played it yet (it's actually a recent purchase). However, I've not heard good things about how it controls. Going with a Mass Effect-esque game would give you both flight sections and 3rd person action. And it'd expand their universe. I've yet to buy Starlink, but want to.

I can imagine the controversial romance scenes now! :laugh:

For the record, I think that would be a ton of fun. I'm a huge fan of the Mass Effect series and that style of game, and I have fond memories of Starfox from the N64 days...
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Forever 43!
Mar 31, 2015
Good idea for a topic!

1. Metroid Prime Stuff - Agreed with your point. I would love for them to contract out an HD remake of the first trilogy while they work internally on a sequel.

2. Windwaker HD Port - just take the Wii-U version and port it to Switch, this should be easy for them. But I realize they probably don't want to minimize Link's Awakening/BOTW 2's sales.

3. Keep the 3rd party titles coming, even if they're older - what comes to mind immediately would be the Valve catalogue. There's no reason why they couldn't port pretty much all of Valve's games onto the Switch, but I realize Valve isn't really interested in developing games just to make money, but rather to push technological boundaries.

4. Bring back F-Zero, Earthbound, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Advance Wars, and other neglected franchises - 'nough said, really. I heard they wanted to hire Criterion (Burnout developer) in 2015 to work on an F-Zero game on the Wii-U, but it fell through because Criterion was busy working on Need for Speed.

5. Give the Pokemon licence to a developer who actually wants to improve the games - 'nough said as well. I think a Pokemon MMO would be nuts, but just having a developer who wants to make a more ambitious game rather than Game Freak would be a win.

6. Mario Golf please - this seems likely since a Mario Golf was released on the 3DS and sold quite well.

7. Better voice support online - very few games have voice support, and barely anyone uses it. Why doesn't the Pro controller come with a headphone jack for a mic? This one seems like a pipe dream.

A lot of good shouts in here! I love the idea of revitalizing some of the neglected titles, so many great games have left in the dust by Nintendo and would really cause a stir if they were to come back! It makes sense to give them a shot.

I 100% agree with a Pokemon MMO. There is so much potential there

Some of your ideasgave me some more, so I'll continue:
  1. Super Mario Strikers/Sluggers; I don't think there has been a new one of these since Sluggers on the Wii. Both were super fun games and I always love when the Mario crew crosses over into sports
  2. Donkey Kong 3D Game: Would love to see the world of DK come to life with an Odyssey style game. A tropical setting would be gorgeous and I'm sure Nintendo could make some cool controls and moves in a DK 3D game.
  3. A new Wario Ware or any kind of Wario game could be cool.
  4. Pokemon Mix Up: I think it would be cool to get something different like XD or Colosseum from back in the Game Cube days. As a franchise, Pokemon really does need a big mix up in the coming years as they have gone flat!
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Forever 43!
Mar 31, 2015
Star Fox in the gameplay style of Mass Effect. I own the WiiU game, but haven't played it yet (it's actually a recent purchase). However, I've not heard good things about how it controls. Going with a Mass Effect-esque game would give you both flight sections and 3rd person action. And it'd expand their universe. I've yet to buy Starlink, but want to.

The Starfox world has so much potential, having Fox and the team leave the linear setting of being stuck in their planes would be so cool.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
What I want but not what we'll get.

1. A design-faithful Super Metroid 2D remake with new top-drawer sprite art/animations.
2. An attempt at a legitimate new first party animated 2D Mario game that doesn't feel like an afterthought, with as much care put into it as their 3D games. Like, really pay tribute to your roots and try to take the Super Mario Bros 3/World formula and really perfect it.
3. Metroid Prime stuff
4. Earthbound/Mother 3 port or remake

I wouldn't want to see them try to do an Earthbound sequel, personally-- I don't think they have the personnel to pull off the tone right and it would only end up misleading new audiences about what it is and what makes it great.
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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
2. An attempt at a legitimate new first party 2D Mario game that doesn't feel like an afterthought, with as much care put into it as their 3D games. Like, really pay tribute to your roots and try to take the Super Mario Bros 3/World formula and really perfect it.

I thought “New Super Mario Bro’s Wii” did a great job.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
I want all their traditional franchises to get a “BOTW” and/or “Mario Odyssey” treatment. Even if it’s just one game a year. I feel like that’s a fair ask as a consumer. Otherwise I bought a Switch to basically play Super Smash, BOTW, and Odyssey.

Like others have said, Starfox, Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, and Samus need some decade-defining love. Otherwise they'll always be nothing more than nostalgia and fun Smash Bro’s characters. And a real, true, open-world Pokémon (with the original 151) would be dope. I’d be ok if they didn’t make another Zelda game for a while if it meant they focused on their other characters.

For S&G’s....a new Mario Golf/Tennis game would be fun too.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I thought “New Super Mario Bro’s Wii” did a great job.
I mean ACTUALLY 2D though. More care put into spritework, crunchy pixels, aesthetics, world-building, personality, and charm. Also more speed and fluidity and extended feather mechanics. New Super Mario Bros Wii just felt like a mere product to me, not a carefully crafted labor of love that could actually be considered among the stronger and more inspired games released.
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Forever 43!
Mar 31, 2015
Otherwise I bought a Switch to basically play Super Smash, BOTW, and Odyssey.

That's what I bought the system for, well and Fire Emblem. There are so many god other games though to add to the collection, the system has a lot to offer beyond the big 3 games.

Frankie Blueberries

Dream Team
Jan 27, 2016
The Starfox world has so much potential, having Fox and the team leave the linear setting of being stuck in their planes would be so cool.

Isn't that what Star Fox Adventures on the Gamecube was like? I never played it, but watching gameplay, it looks kind of similar.

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