Healthy isn’t really the best comparable… dude got 2nd degree vehicular homicide and was on probation. Which the vast majority of the time requires you to be clean from alcohol and drugs… and get tested regularly. I’d bet given the situation there was alcohol counseling too. He went through a much stricter program than rehab is.
1000% guarantee Heatley at the very least went to some form of Alcohol Awareness education and/or a MADD meeting. I had to do both when I got busted for DWI over 20 years ago and there was no accident involved.
This is just speculation at this point but if indeed the Avs are demanding he enter himself into player assistance then there might be a pattern of behavior prior, of which this is the culmination. Again, I have nothing to base that on but I can't imagine the Avs would ask a guy to willingly enter a rehabilitation program if this was just a one-time thing.