Imagine being a plumber fresh out of plumbing school with a 4.0 GPA. In all of your previous service calls as an apprentice you quickly handled all of the literal shit thrown at you with care and ease. The professors at the plumbing school comment how you could go on to be the greatest plumber ever. Better than Mario Mario, better than even the famous Thomas Crapper.
Now imagine that instead of going on to live your lifelong dream of working for Royal Flush, the best plumbing company in the world located in New York City, you are instead forced to work for Judd & Sons in Winnipeg. Not only are you forced to work for a company you don't like, in a city you've never heard of, surrounded by people you can barely understand (Canadians), you also get paid 10% of what you'd make with Royal Flush for the pleasure of doing so! All so Judd and his disgusting sons Buck and Battleship can continue to rake in record profits as they begin to charge more to the poor prairie folk who need their toilets unclogged because of their unhealthy intake of moose burgers and Tim Horton's.
Doesn't seem very fair to me!