NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread - PHASE TWENTY-THREE SKIDOO!

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Is the Celtics coach an idiot? I didn't watch the game, but I have seen him, and he looks like an idiot.


Speaking of which, I don't know what possessed him to do his very best Lord Defect impersonation, but @Beef Invictus needs to make a real pick, and we will wait until he does before we continue. @Hollywood Cannon is on deck, @DancingPanther is on the lido deck, and I am on the lido afterdeck. Striiker also has to make a Re-Draft pick. I guess you don't have to make a Re-Draft pick if you are satisfied with all of your selections, so that's an option.

I didn't watch that idiot coach Boston last night because I was watching the Hurricanes destroy the Devils. Sucking - it's a Jersey thing. It was a lot of fun. It was also fun this morning to see that the Sixers won. You know how I feel about the NBA, but insomuch as I have an NBA team, it is the Sixers. When I was a kid you basically had to prefer one of the three - the Lakers, Celtics or Sixers. I loved Dr. J and Andrew Toney and Mo Cheeks on the occasions when I watched them, so I always want them to do well. My basketball passions are almost entirely contained with Louisville, though. Their Hall of Fame coach Denny Crum, one of my favorite human beings ever, just passed away last night. Rest in Peace, legend.
Thank you Defect! Strange Defect! Eighth Defect! Perilous Defect!

REDRAFT: Apparel categotry. Give me Seiko.

Everyone knows that Seikos rule. The Seiko 5 is the AK-47 of watches.


I wear that daily. I have a Google watch but it gives me rashes. This doesn't give me any diseases at all. It has 21 jewels and an automatic transmission. Your own movement winds it.

Whomever is up is up. Glorious Whomever! Charged Whomever! Saggy Whomever!
Team Redraft - TV/Movie Character. Original selection: Mycroft Holmes from Sherlock. New selection: TOM BOMBADIL. @BernieParent graciously allowed me to pluck him from the Firesticks and I can show the receipts if need be! If this is not allowed, I'll just have to pick a new GM at some point, but that requires research and scouring T H E S P R E A D S H E E T. Even so, we all deserve a detailed, but not all-encompassing look at Tom, who many are unaware of since he did not appear in the movies, a polarizing topic of discussion for us Lord of The Ring nerds.

Tom Bombadil is a whimsical, ultra powerful enigma nestled in his own little corner of the Old Forest, never leaving his bounds in which he is the "Master of wood, water and hill" therein. Elrond calls him "The Oldest of the Old" while Tom refers to himself as "The Eldest". He was here before "the Dark Lord [Morgoth] came from the outside", it is said. Here are some things Tom does.
  • He sings in 7 meter rhymes, wears goofy clothes, and doesn't really care about...anything? Or does he? He knows about The Ring, Sauron, Morgoth...but he just sings jolly songs about them. He's also strangely prophetic
  • He's unaffected by The Ring - he takes it from Frodo, puts it on, doesn't turn invisible, then laughs, flips it in the air, and it vanishes. Frodo of course freaks out, but no matter - Tom just leans forward and hands it back to him, laughing some more. When Frodo checks to see if it's the One Ring by placing it on his own finger, Tom can still see Frodo as he turns invisible.
  • He takes no sides, but still helps the Hobbits twice by just....telling things what to do? As Old Man Willow is crushing a few Hobbits to death, Tom appears, hits it with a stick, and sings that it shouldn't be doing this! It should be sleeping instead. And it stopped.
  • Later on, the Hobbits were hopeless in facing a barrow-wight. Frodo sang a song taught to him by Tom, and he magically appeared, busting the door down, sang to the the wight, and banished it away.
  • Similarly, Bombadil was sought after countless ages ago when he first traveled into the area he settles now, but each entity who tried to capture him submitted to Tom's songs which defeated their enchantments and commanded them to return to their natural existence
  • During the Hobbits' recuperation in Tom's house, they have prophetic dreams and feel immediately refreshed, and not in a "I finally had a shower and good meal" type of refreshed. Refreshed on a holistic scale. It rains while they were there, and Tom returns completely dry.
Gandalf himself - a Maiar whose literal purpose of his arrival to Middle Earth has been fulfilled with the defeat of Sauron and the destruction of The Ring - decides the last thing he will do before retreating to the Undying Lands is have a long talk with Tom Bombadil.

What is the point of Tom? Tolkien, in a letter, referred to Tom as unimportant to the narrative, but an important "comment". In another letter, Tolkien writes "the story is good vs bad; beauty against ugliness; and so on. But both sides want a measure of control. But if you had renouced control and take delight in things for themselves without reference to yourself, then the questions of the rights and wrongs of power and control might become utterly meaningless to you, and the means of power quite valueless."

Tom is an expression of living in the moment, and the delight and wonder of life and things around us as they are. Tom represents a great lesson: don't take things too seriously. Tolkien cheekily plops Tom into his legendarium as a reminder to us all that fighting the good fight is obviously important, but they're not everything. Don't forget to decompress, and be like Tom by singing silly songs, collecting lilies, or whatever it is you do to enjoy life. Be like Tom.

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Anthony Davis is soft, man. I take concussions very seriously, but this marshmallow motherf***er barely got touched.


We start the day with me on the clock, and I have my pick ready. Huge kudos to me, right? @BernieParent is on deck, but I also have his pick ready. Where the hell are my kudos?! @BigToe is on the lido deck, and Jojo is on the lido afterdeck with a few picks to make (Classic Actor and Actress and Painter) at his leisure. Abandon Cannon also has a make-up pick to make, but he won't be back to his office until at least Sunday. What I am telling you is that I have everything loaded, but we are still chill as f***balls. Put my kudos in the refrigerator.

I'm so distracted right now - that stupid c*** Ryan Smith is on the TV. Hold on, I have to change the channel.

Ok. Last night I got a huge case of deja vu, which I am sure @BiggE shared, as the officials handed f***ing Edmonton a home playoff win on a platter. This used to happen all the time, when Drunksky and the c*** I am going to pick in a minute and the rest of them were terrorizing the NHL. This was back when the Flyers were worth caring about, and they got us twice in the Finals. Don't get me wrong, Vegas can f*** right off too, but the Oilers are immeasurably worse. They are historically evil. Even if you give Crybaby Connor a pass for some reason, the franchise sucks ass.
Look at this piece of shit, the captain of that shitstain of a team. He's known now as the last helmetless player, but he has always been someone who eats stacks and stacks of turds. That's right - he f***ing eats poo. How disgusting is that? Of course the motherf***er went on to play for not only us, but the f***ing Blues as well. I hate this c*** more than words can express.


Team Spite C*** - Craig F***ing MacTavish

Here comes Bernie's pick, after I wait out the c***ing automerge.
I can take it from here, Cap'n.

"As our last draft selection for this round, the owners of the Tampa Bay FireSticks were at a loss to choose a previous pick for redrafting. The more we pondered, the greater our urge to change the franchise itself. We are, therefore, pleased to announce that this franchise will be moved from Tampa Bay to Halifax, Nova Scotia. At the same time, we will be rebranding ourselves the Halifax Galleons.

“We anxiously await our new logo and team colours from Master Designer @Captain Dave Poulin.”

Over to @BigToe.
Anthony Davis is soft, man. I take concussions very seriously, but this marshmallow motherf***er barely got touched.


We start the day with me on the clock, and I have my pick ready. Huge kudos to me, right? @BernieParent is on deck, but I also have his pick ready. Where the hell are my kudos?! @BigToe is on the lido deck, and Jojo is on the lido afterdeck with a few picks to make (Classic Actor and Actress and Painter) at his leisure. Abandon Cannon also has a make-up pick to make, but he won't be back to his office until at least Sunday. What I am telling you is that I have everything loaded, but we are still chill as f***balls. Put my kudos in the refrigerator.

I'm so distracted right now - that stupid c*** Ryan Smith is on the TV. Hold on, I have to change the channel.

Ok. Last night I got a huge case of deja vu, which I am sure @BiggE shared, as the officials handed f***ing Edmonton a home playoff win on a platter. This used to happen all the time, when Drunksky and the c*** I am going to pick in a minute and the rest of them were terrorizing the NHL. This was back when the Flyers were worth caring about, and they got us twice in the Finals. Don't get me wrong, Vegas can f*** right off too, but the Oilers are immeasurably worse. They are historically evil. Even if you give Crybaby Connor a pass for some reason, the franchise sucks ass.
My disgust of that franchise has nearly reached Flyers proportions
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