I could have literally gone in 1,000 different directions with this, but ultimately I decided that
@Magua had the right idea for
Official Team Cover Song.
For my money, there is no better cover band than Nirvana, in large part due to Cobain's diverse and almost contradictory musical tastes, and his preternatural ability to reinterpret songs that not only honored the original rendition but also made them his own. This is an artist who was equally at home covering Bowie, archly twee indie pop, psychedelic rock, punk, folk, blues, and so much more. He loved a good crisp pop hook as much as waves of distortion, obscure musical oddities as much the all-time greats.
Even narrowing this down to one song is a real challenge. The Unplugged set is filled with great covers that make up an incomprehensibly large chunk of the set list and that's where I'm ultimately going to draw from, but I could just as easily have pulled from several other recordings highlighting bands as diverse as northwest punkers The Wipers or Glaswegian pop wonders The Vaselines, and I almost did. That's one of the great things about Nirvana covers, oftentimes they served as an entry to a great but low profile or forgotten artist, and helped broaden and shape your musical horizons.
Magua already took the killer Bowie cover that is now the definitive version of that song, but I'm going to go with the closer, Nirvana's absolutely haunting rendition of the old traditional folk song "In the Pines" aka
"Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" Cobain based his interpretation on Leadbelly's, which in typical fashion he made sure to emphasize, thus introducing folk blues legend Huddie Ledbetter to the Generation X masses.
After this performance, MTV asked Cobain and Co. to do one more. Cobain declined saying, "I don’t think we can top the last song."
@Magua, shiver for me