In misery of redwings of suckage for a long time
It's just hitting things.Band: hey DP we want to play Manic Depression you can learn the drums right
Me: O_O
It's just hitting things.Band: hey DP we want to play Manic Depression you can learn the drums right
Me: O_O
If I could learn to play middle C on the drums, anyone can do it.Band: hey DP we want to play Manic Depression you can learn the drums right
Me: O_O
I gotta say after an hour I have it down pretty decentlyIt's just hitting things.
I gotta say after an hour I have it down pretty decently
Now do this one instead
I can't bear the thought that we're offing Kurt in the QV. It's so very wrong.
For someone who loves movies as much as I do, I've been putting this off. The first hundred screenwriters I would've chosen have already been taken in the Director's Draft (many by myself). I thought about what type of writer I wanted, and while I am appreciative of the talents of writers who adapt works, which takes immeasurable skill and genre fluidity, I want someone who is more known for original scripts, someone with a distinctive voice. Lo and behold.....
The Honolulu Ghibli's representative steps to the podium. Card in hand.
MAGUAThe Honolulu Ghibli select as our Team Screenwriter: Paddy Chayefsky
3-time Academy Award winner, Paddy is one of the best to ever do it. He had an immeasurable wit and knack for dialogue; a gift for making you laugh but also ruminate. He got his start in television and theater, focusing on kitchen sink realism. Marty is one of the underrated gems of the 50s, about a fat and ugly New York butcher falling in love with a homely school teacher. It's funny, tender, emotional. But before his untimely death at age 58 (surely, he had another masterpiece in him), the 1970s saw him shift to the mordant and biting with The Hospital and, perhaps the gold standard of film satire, Network. Chayefsky had a special knack for navigating tonal changes mid-film in a way that sneaks up on you. I'll never forget how Network, to quote Ebert, moves along the satire gradient until "we have entered the madhouse without noticing."
Team Pet Peeve - Chaos
I hate not having control, I hate not having order, I hate messy surroundings, I have not having things planned out, I hate not knowing what's going on, I hate surprises.
I keep things neat. I keep things organized. I plan ahead. I prepare. I can't stand when people are careless or do things to interfere with my organization. Drives me insane.
Team Pet Peeve - Chaos
I hate not having control, I hate not having order, I hate messy surroundings, I have not having things planned out, I hate not knowing what's going on, I hate surprises.
I keep things neat. I keep things organized. I plan ahead. I prepare. I can't stand when people are careless or do things to interfere with my organization. Drives me insane.
Like in golf.We didn’t have to use a mulligan?
Tomorrow would have been my grandfather's 100th birthday. My mom sent me a little run down of his life and confirmed what I believed but was unable to confirm on my own at the time I made my selection in an earlier round: the plane he flew in WW2 was the P-51 Mustang (which is the official Seattle Sockeyes attack vehicle, with thanks to @Beef Invictus )