NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread – SUPER F***ING AMAZING PHASE TWENTY-FIVE!

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Maybe this got taken somewhere and apologies if it did but I couldn't find it in my search...

When I was young, home video game systems were just becoming a thing. Unsurprisingly, I thought they were awesome, no matter how bad the games were. Yet my parents couldn't afford to get one and so I didn't have one. My only access to the Ataris and Colecovisions of the world was going to someone else's house.

Until miraculously, somehow, when this system was released something had gone right enough financially that my parents were able to fulfill my wishes. I finally at long last had video games in my home and it was glorious.

Yes, it's dated. No, it's no PS5, but the nostalgic value of this can't be replicated. Plus I already have the Power Glove, so why not bring the light zapper and Robbie the Robot along with the progenitors of some of the most iconic franchises in video gaming?


Team Video Game - Nintendo Entertainment System


@ajgoal If it doesn't work, just blow on it.
I have always loved this specific period of time in this specific place. You have Art Deco, the Jazz Age, Chicago-style gang warfare, trains, rickety old cars and cobblestone ... and the whole scene is populated by hot Chinese flappers. I can't even imagine how perfect that would be.



Team Decade – 1920s, Shanghai

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You know ladies, when the Heartbreak Kid comes to Jacksonville, you might want to start cleaning your doublewide and put a fresh pair of panties on, if you know what I’m sayin!

Shawn, um, you’re like what, 58? I don’t think a fresh pair of granny panties is what anyone wants to think about, just make the pick.

Ok, ok, I was gonna get to it. Ok Jacksonville, when Mr. Wrestlemania talks, you need to stop hitting the bong and pay attention! The official video game boss of the Jacksonville Methgators is, from WWF No Mercy, that evil S.O.B., Mr McMahon!!

Oh and Vince, Hunter wants to say something.

Hey pops,


So, @Young Sandwich ,
I pity all the youngins who didn't get a chance to grow up with this system. You missed out on a very important fundamental building block of life and it has seriously stunted you as human beings navigating through and integrating into society. The 16 bit revolution was real, and it changed people for the better.


Team Video Game System - Sega Genesis

@BernieParent JOIN THE 16 BIT REVOLUTION (just make a pick first so you don't get bogged down with the revolution and everything).
"The owners of the Halifax Galleons read with appreciation the many excellent gaming systems that have been selected by other franchise owners, having spent many enjoyable hours with several of them. With our pick in this category, we will go in a slightly different direction, not picking what was or is available on a system, but the strong potential in amazing gaming. We hereby select the Meta Quest Pro VR system.


"The lower-level Meta Quest 2 system has a small list of current games, and we remain intrigued by the untapped potential of 3D gaming as a truly immersive experience.

"Virtual tag-off to @Magua."
I pity all the youngins who didn't get a chance to grow up with this system. You missed out on a very important fundamental building block of life and it has seriously stunted you as human beings navigating through and integrating into society. The 16 bit revolution was real, and it changed people for the better.


Team Video Game System - Sega Genesis

@BernieParent JOIN THE 16 BIT REVOLUTION (just make a pick first so you don't get bogged down with the revolution and everything).

First Generation Genesis with the headphone hookup, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhh. That sound card was fantastic. But complex. No emulator has fully gotten it right yet.
First Generation Genesis with the headphone hookup, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhh. That sound card was fantastic. But complex. No emulator has fully gotten it right yet.

This is because it had two chips. They really shipped the thing with two separate sound chips. Sega had two major decisions that lead them down this road. The first was that they decided to go with FM synthesis both because of their experience with it and the desire to recreate arcade sounds of the time. The second is explained when we actually look at the chips.

They went with a Yamaha chip that gave a thoroughly modern 6 channels of stereo in FM or PCM. But the second chip from TI only allowed for 4 channels of PSG sound. The entire reason for the second chip is backwards compatibility with Master System games.

What you then had was some sound people going above and beyond and figuring out ways to properly leverage both chips concurrently. TLDR; This is why Streets of Rage sounds amazing.
This is because it had two chips. They really shipped the thing with two separate sound chips. Sega had two major decisions that lead them down this road. The first was that they decided to go with FM synthesis both because of their experience with it and the desire to recreate arcade sounds of the time. The second is explained when we actually look at the chips.

They went with a Yamaha chip that gave a thoroughly modern 6 channels of stereo in FM or PCM. But the second chip from TI only allowed for 4 channels of PSG sound. The entire reason for the second chip is backwards compatibility with Master System games.

What you then had was some sound people going above and beyond and figuring out ways to properly leverage both chips concurrently. TLDR; This is why Streets of Rage sounds amazing.

TV speakers were usually too shitty to do it justice. Streets of Rage through headphones, holy shit.

I also had no idea the Genesis was backwards compatible until recently. I could have snagged all my cousins' Master System games. Instead, I wasted my entire childhood.

Also, all those old 16 bit scores with heavy Japanese jazz influence are a worthy genre of their own.

I mean come on:

I could have swore I owned the Sega Genesis for a different category.
You own the Tower of Power. You tried to take all retro game consoles as a Dealer's Choice and got denied. I was hoping you'd keep your mouth shut since the spreadsheet makes no mention of Sega, Genesis, Tower of Power, et al. (it still only says Retro Gaming Consoles), but you just had to say something. :laugh:

Since the T of P is a frankenstein of sorts, I figured I'd be ok here. If deemed invalid, I will take my medicine and pick again. Please advise.
This is because it had two chips. They really shipped the thing with two separate sound chips. Sega had two major decisions that lead them down this road. The first was that they decided to go with FM synthesis both because of their experience with it and the desire to recreate arcade sounds of the time. The second is explained when we actually look at the chips.

They went with a Yamaha chip that gave a thoroughly modern 6 channels of stereo in FM or PCM. But the second chip from TI only allowed for 4 channels of PSG sound. The entire reason for the second chip is backwards compatibility with Master System games.

What you then had was some sound people going above and beyond and figuring out ways to properly leverage both chips concurrently. TLDR; This is why Streets of Rage sounds amazing.
You own the Tower of Power. You tried to take all retro game consoles as a Dealer's Choice and got denied. I was hoping you'd keep your mouth shut since the spreadsheet makes no mention of Sega, Genesis, Tower of Power, et al. (it still only says Retro Gaming Consoles), but you just had to say something. :laugh:

Since the T of P is a frankenstein of sorts, I figured I'd be ok here. If deemed invalid, I will take my medicine and pick again. Please advise.

I'm ok with it as long as the Powers That Be are and as long as you agree to trade games with me from time to time.
I've been an Xbox Guy since the 360, but Young Magua used to lead a very different life......

The Honolulu Ghibli get our DualShock on with our Team Video Game System: the PlayStation 2


I had a PS1, but my age group was only dipping its toes into console gaming at that point. The PS2 was when I became a man. A very very prepubescent man.

That was the first console in my lifetime that felt like we stepped into The Future.....


It's the all-time best selling console for a reason. It's breadth of original titles is perhaps unbeaten: San Andreas, Vice City, Socom, Pro Skater 2, Final Fantasy X, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Okami, MGS2, MGS3: Snake Eater, Bully, Silent Hill 2, God of War, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Cloud 2, Dragon Quest VIII, Gran Turismo 3, TimeSplitters, Guitar Hero 1, SSX.

And it was a f***ing DVD player!


@Hollywood Cannon -- couch co-op?
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