NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread – SUPER F***ING AMAZING PHASE TWENTY-FIVE!

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I'm getting too old for this shit.


Quote: "We start the day with @Magua on the clock, @Hollywood Cannon on deck, @mja on the lido deck, and Rebel in the lido drunk tank."

That was a total Ass H'whooping last night. I've been with them since around 1973, so nothing can surprise or rattle me too hard at this point. It's just that this sport is misery when your quarterback is a donkey. It doesn't matter how good the rest of the team is - when you don't have a QB, you don't have a chance. It also doesn't help when your coach is a useless fat bastard.
The Honolulu Ghibli are clear for pick landing with our Team WW2 Plane: the Vought V-173 "Flying Pancake"

You cannot go wrong combining breakfast with the skies. Look at this bad boy!



Only one "Flying Pancake" was ever made, first flying in 1942. And fly it did. The Pancake went on to make over 190 successful test flights and log approximately 132 hours in the air. It should not surprise you that in its testing, it was mistaken for a UFO by civilians. This is good. We like this. Only the best things are mistaken for aliens.

The experimental concept was: could a plane take off and land at extremely low speeds? Yes! Built largely out of aluminum and wood, it could take off in less than 200 feet (and in a strong head wind behaving almost like a helicopter), cruise at 138 miles per hour, and land at 15 miles per hour. It felt like it could hover.

You can visit the single (restored) prototype at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas, Texas. That is before we move it to the colony ship.
Deep cleaning your bathroom is very, very bad for your back. Almost better to let it become a scud palace.


We start the day with @Rebels57 on the clock, @GKJ on deck, milord's dumb ass on the lido deck, and ToeJam on the lido afterdeck with a pair (phrasing). @mja can make up his pick when he has time, but demoing a tile floor is an abject, absolute back-breaking megadouche, too.

I started watching season four of "Fargo" again. As I said the first time, Chris Rock is too lightweight to carry this role - I wish it were otherwise, and I like the out-of-the-box thinking with the casting, but it doesn't work. The casting of Jason Schwartzman makes sense in a lot of ways specific to the character, but I'm not sure how well that's working, either, at least in the early going. All of this is not to say that it's bad - it's not at all. We'll see where it goes from here.
Yes, demoing tile is a f***ing megadouche. At least it's over.

Funny you should mention Fargo....


Team Detective: Marge Gunderson

Sure, there have been a lot of great detectives selected so far, but have any of them simultaneously solved 7 homicides and single-handedly arrested a brute feeding his partner into a wood chipper, all while 7 months pregnant and remaining perpetually, well, chipper, throughout? I think not.

Say @Rebels57, didya hear the one about the guy who couldn't afford personalized plate so he went and changed his name to J3L2404?
Back pain. Knee pain. There will be no dancing at these receptions! Not that there would have been, anyway, but now I have excuses.


We start the day with @GKJ on the clock, @Lord Defect on deck, @BigToe on the lido deck with a pair (phrasing), and then right back to the idiot.

I'm moving so slowly this morning. Like a crippled old man. Which is what I am.
Back pain. Knee pain. There will be no dancing at these receptions! Not that there would have been, anyway, but now I have excuses.


We start the day with @GKJ on the clock, @Lord Defect on deck, @BigToe on the lido deck with a pair (phrasing), and then right back to the idiot.

I'm moving so slowly this morning. Like a crippled old man. Which is what I am.
Don't tell me you're the guy that's too cool to dance at wedding receptions. I hope you'll at least get the vodka and limes flowing, yeah? Congrats to your sister on her imminent nuptials.
Don't tell me you're the guy that's too cool to dance at wedding receptions. I hope you'll at least get the vodka and limes flowing, yeah? Congrats to your sister on her imminent nuptials.

If this were 1990-92, I would inhale vodka tonics with two limes at a pace that would give you alopecia just from watching it, and I would dance, and I would mack on every lady in sight. It is 2023, for f***'s sake - no one has time for that shit now.
If this were 1990-92, I would inhale vodka tonics with two limes at a pace that would give you alopecia just from watching it, and I would dance, and I would mack on every lady in sight. It is 2023, for f***'s sake - no one has time for that shit now.
Buddy, I'd be right there with you but with gin instead of vodka. No alopecia necessary. Although it would be weird for you to be blacking out with a child in 1990.
We’re a simple people over at the Stay Pufts, and our team bbq item is simple as well.
Let me introduce you to the LambPigCow. Don’t be intimidated by the name.
The LambPigCow might only have 3 animals in its name, but it didn't just include lamb, pig, and cow. Here's the lineup: 24 quails, 12 chickens, 8 ducks, 6 turkeys, 2 lambs, and 1 pig, all wrapped up in a saddle of Waygu beef. Two different types of stuffing sat between the layers. It’s wrapped in 20’ of chain link fencing and cooked over coals.

@BigToe, grab a plate. Someone tag him please I know this will be merged.
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