Like Bernie, I am praying right now. I am praying that this f***ing post doesn't automerge.
I also prayed that the above tag of @JojoTheWhale would work - that prayer wasn't answered, but he is on the clock. @Young Sandwich is on deck, Milord is on the lido deck picking tampon fibers out of his teeth, and pit FELL INTO THE PIT on the lido afterdeck. @DancingPanther has to make up two picks, and Cannon has to make up one.
Man, I had the best f***ing dream last night. I was pursuing my soulmate and actually making progress. I was telling her "You'll come around eventually, you'll see." She was denying me and resisting me, but you could tell that she wasn't as convinced as in previous dreams. I kept making her laugh, and at one point she laughed so hard that as we were walking she had to stop, bend over (phrasing) and grab her knees. I have no idea what I said that was so funny, but it must have been a cracker. It was some kind of mash-up between us being on a dating show and us being in college together, or some shit. There were scenes where we were in the "house," and I would come up to her and hug her from the side while she was talking to people. That kind of shit would never happen in Korea, obviously, but this dream blurred the lines of all social conventions, so she didn't flinch or run away. It was just a relentlessly positive and enjoyable and romantic dream. I wish I had a tape of it that I could watch over and over and over. It gave me a lot of hope that we may have an actual, REAL future.
You think I'm crazy, right? Well, here's the thing - if you don't believe, if you don't try, you will REALLY never have a chance.
I also prayed that the above tag of @JojoTheWhale would work - that prayer wasn't answered, but he is on the clock. @Young Sandwich is on deck, Milord is on the lido deck picking tampon fibers out of his teeth, and pit FELL INTO THE PIT on the lido afterdeck. @DancingPanther has to make up two picks, and Cannon has to make up one.
Man, I had the best f***ing dream last night. I was pursuing my soulmate and actually making progress. I was telling her "You'll come around eventually, you'll see." She was denying me and resisting me, but you could tell that she wasn't as convinced as in previous dreams. I kept making her laugh, and at one point she laughed so hard that as we were walking she had to stop, bend over (phrasing) and grab her knees. I have no idea what I said that was so funny, but it must have been a cracker. It was some kind of mash-up between us being on a dating show and us being in college together, or some shit. There were scenes where we were in the "house," and I would come up to her and hug her from the side while she was talking to people. That kind of shit would never happen in Korea, obviously, but this dream blurred the lines of all social conventions, so she didn't flinch or run away. It was just a relentlessly positive and enjoyable and romantic dream. I wish I had a tape of it that I could watch over and over and over. It gave me a lot of hope that we may have an actual, REAL future.
You think I'm crazy, right? Well, here's the thing - if you don't believe, if you don't try, you will REALLY never have a chance.