NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread – A WHOLE NOTHER PHASE TWENTY-ONE!

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Yes! It says it can't use those settings. That they aren't valid.
I thought I was going crazy so I tried the same static info on my desktop and it worked fine.
Elaborate booty chaos.
And of course it all works normally for days at a time. Until it doesn't and I have to reset. I should call a priest.

*Edit* There was no text here. That's because I had to get my phone since my tablet decided I was not allowed to have a text box. I just got a giant box that said Post Reply with no other options or spaces.

TLDR; Your laptop is contagious and we should see if exorcists give bulk discounts.
It is absolutely brutal switching back to this keyboard, holy f***. Anyway.

I think everyone knows how I feel about Japan - I love evrything about it, and it has a beautiful, glorious past. But here's the thing - as much as I love the samurai and castles and everything, I probably love modern Japan more than ancient Japan. Not "probably" - I definitely do. I feel like I am super well covered in that regard, especially with regard to Japanese ladies, so I am going to swerve in a different direction for my ancient civilization, for a very good reason. Holy motherf***, the typos.

The ancient Chinese invented, among other things: paper making, movable type printing, gunpowder, the compass, alcohol, the mechanical clock, tea production, silk, umbrellas, acupuncture, iron smelting, porcelain, f***ing earthquake detectors, rockets, bronze, kites, seed drills, row crop farming, toothbrushes, and paper money. I'm especially excited about the first two of those, because they made books possible, and I love books. But I'm not a f***ing scientist, so the rest of that is somewhat "whatever."

Here is the reason I am picking this. There are currently around 1.4 billion or so Chinese, right, and around half of them are probably women. That means there are something like ... more than 700,000 Chinese women in China alone. But guess what? The f***ing communists. Those selfish pricks, like the douchelords in the Middle East, are keeping all those ladies from us. I can't just go there and open a Tinder account like I did in Japan, because of the communists. If we hop in the wayback machine and skip right over the f***ing communists, there won't be more than 700,000 Chinese ladies there, because there weren't that many Chinese then, but there will still be a f***ton of Chinese ladies unencumbered by communist bullshit. It's not like it was a totally open place then, but it would have been easier to run game than it is now with satellites and CCTV and whatnot.

So that's why I am picking China - for all those luscious, scrumptious ladies.




Ancient Civilization - China

Check out the above post - pretty nice, right?


We star the day with @Rebels57 on the clock, @DancingPanther on deck, Starberry on the lido deck, and Striiker on the lido afterdeck with a pair (phrasing). Ne'er do well @CanadianFlyer88 has to eventually pull his finger out and make a pick, too. So does Asnito, but don't hold your breath.

I got the vast majority of my shit onto the external hard drive, so that's good, that's the most important thing. Still have some problems, though. F***ing Adobe won't let me sign in to Photoshop on this one, as you know, so that's f***ed. This one has Windows 8.1, which means that it thinks I have a touch screen - even though it came out before touch screens were really available - and the f***ing menu thing slides out every time the cursor hits the right side of the screen, so that's f***ed and always has been. But maybe the worst of all is that for some reason on this one, f***ing HF is giving me the "You are using an ad blocker" screens almost every time I open a page, even though I am using the same ones I was using on the f***ed laptop, where I didn't get those f***ing warnings. I don't like it, I tell you.

Know what I do like? I started "Heart Signal China - Season 5" and there is a total fox on there. Last season had the rocket, but this one has a total, total fox. I am almost always Team Fox > Team Rocket. It's just the way I am. Let's ride.
I would like to pick soon please

I’ve very pleased with my next choice. I even thought about it before I was up to pick.
The bottom of the order has been rough. People have to get their priorities straight. After all, what can be more important than selecting just the right arcade game for you team to play in the QV?
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