That's great if it's true - Strickland doesn't have the best record when it comes to this.
I do wonder, however, if they're just going ahead with it without the a lot of the funding in place. It's going to be far more expensive for Lindenwood to add Division I hockey than say, LIU, which can do almost all of its travel within the Northeast by bus. Lindenwood won't have that financial luxury - those 8-10 hour bus rides add up over the course of a season.
I suspect Wachler was slow-rolling hockey for financial reasons. Athletic departments generally run at break-even or a loss, and often, the role of an AD is to raise enough funds for athletics to break even. No AD is going to add a money-loser to the budget when they already lose money. Considering that they started a women's hockey program and have done absolutely nothing to ensure that it's competitive, I hope that adding Division I men's hockey is done the right way - meaning that they fully fund 18 scholarships and build a winning program, rather than make a PR move that winds up being a financial liability. I'm not holding my breath.
Secondly, the school undoubtedly knows the count when it comes to Title IX. Lindenwood is fantastically disproportionate (as are most schools) when it comes to male vs. female athletic opportunities. As I explained earlier in this thread, adding another male sport (or cutting a female sport) when you have a disproportion of opportunity invites a lawsuit, and so they'd better have their ducks in a row when it comes to proving that they can pass the three-point test.