I used to go to Os games a bunch because I grew up 15-20 minutes from Camden Yards and a bunch of my friends lived in Fed Hill/Fells/Canton after college. One of my favorite places to catch a game but yeah, the ownership group is trash, they’ve always been trash, and they’ll always be trash. They’re small, vindictive people aloof from reality with large egos and super thin skin. I know people who have done business with them and I’ve yet to hear a positive word about any of them. They’re not on Danny’s level but they’re not that far behind either.
Other awesome places I’ve seen games at: PetCo Park, Coors Field, Wrigley Field, Milwaukee Brewers stadium (no idea what it’s called now), and Oracle Park. I think San Diego is my favorite, it was a few blocks from where I used to live and tickets were almost free. I’m not even a baseball fan but I’ve been to more baseball stadiums than arenas/stadiums for any other sport.