Bolded text from me; you KNOW it's important
For years, I've railed against various outsiders (Canadian hockey media, their braindead acolytes, and so on) who have little better to do than take shots at the "non-traditional" among us. I've said that we all need to stick together, whether CBJ or Phoenix or Tampa fans, because the worst thing that could happen is for us to divide and start fighting amongst ourselves.
Yet at the same time, I've ignored our own internal battles here between those who wear green, those who wear scarves, those who wear neither, and those who are unaffiliated but sympathetic to one faction or another. And in my case, I fueled this through pointed jabs. I try to
not be hypocritical, but it's impossible to deny that I was on the wrong side of this one by participating in any way. And so I'm going to issue a blanket public apology, and vow not to fuel these flames again. We're all on the same side, and there's no sense in continuing any internal battles, especially when there's a much bigger fight brewing.
I'll take a second to mention that no one's forcing me into this. No PMs, no emails, no anything. And I say this not for a pat on the back or a cookie, but because I cannot help but think of what a great American said in the face of tremendous hostility and adversity. And that was: "If I can change, and you can change, then everyone can change!" And that impromptu idealistic speech from a brain-damaged boxer in a fictional movie ended the Cold War and brought down the Iron Curtain.
None of our internal battles mean a hill of beans if these buffoons have their way. And damn it, this is
our hill, and these are
our beans. So let's put down the torches and pitchforks, take a deep breath, and realize or remember that we're all on the same side. And as a chronic instigator, I'll (try my best to) set an example by doing so.