What i FEEL is that goalies are pulled earlier and more often, and with scores like 1-4 nowadays. it kust my own speculation why EN points icreased, maybe someone have data.
Sometimes hockey seem to have its own politically correct standard, like mumblings about the team, i never look at the stats, that doesnt matter we won, i did i pass him?
well i hardly knew it, hes a legend... it would be refreshing if McKinnon say -heck yeah of course im gunning for the Art Ross, i will do all that i can to have one!! MF! (not that i am saying or even beliving McKinnon have that many ENP bacause of that)
But then he will be condemned by everybody, its strange when people always says we need personalities this and that, and when people reveal anything out of the box, then most are conservaties and bash the person...
sorry for the new years rant, it was only 1 game tonight, it did get big enough fix
Happy 2025