sign sign everywhere a sign................
Isn't a good song or what? Sting sings too. The intro new age electronic, à la Vangelis or Pink Floyd. His deadly riff, best of the world. We are hyponotised by this riff so well delivered, enough crisp and clean. And Mark Knopfler who is among the nicest guy on earth had to say he's sorry if it was offensive but he's been friend with gays since ever and the lyrics of the song, I mean, it's two dude working on delivery and the tell their story, they are characters not representing Knopfler's opinion, I mean, we got embarrassed for making a one day shit to Knopfler, the classyest guy of rock and roll alive. And that was done with our taxes, all canadians.
Still can't believe they stopped playing that song,ludicrous! Why stop there then? so many offensive songs exist,would have made Adolph very proud