Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I just don't have the time to watch much other than the Leafs, I suspect most people here are in the same boat but who knows. Those 3 guys you mentioned play for 2 teams so ... how much have you seen them play and how much would you have to watch tto have a strong opinion? Not only would one have to watch the games bot to evaluate a specific player, IMHO you'd have to also focus on them instead of following the play.
edit - a game or two can be enough to give and idea of how good player is, especially the really good ones who stand out
Not trying to give you a hard time, just stating my opinion which is that it's hard to compare our players to players on other teams, especially those that play in different divisions - we just don't see enough to know for sure how they stack up across the league. But I guess we could have a decent idea how they look compared to the players in our division. JMHO.