Student Of The Game
Tom Paton, G
Shameless pasting of everything dug up in the past, thank you Dreakmur and especially Iain Fyffe:
First known hockey award – given to Tom Paton in 1885

Tom Paton’s Championship medal from 1888

First ever Stanley Cup Championship ring – worn by Tom Paton

In Brief: Today he is best known as the goaltender on the first Stanley-Cup winning team, but for little else since he hung up his skates after winning it. However hockey did not actually begin in 1893, and his career stretched back eight seasons to 1885, during which time he teamed with point James Stewart and cover Allan Cameron to put up a nigh-impenetrable defence for the mighty Winged Wheelers. By far the best goaltender of his day, the Hall of Fame has overlooked him presumably due to how long ago he played. He has no champion, and predates even players like Mike Grant and Graham Drinkwater.
Years Active: 1885 to 1893, all with Montreal HC
Date of Birth: September 30, 1855. This makes him 30 years old when his career started, or rather when organized hockey tourneys started. His age is a rarity for his era - most players were retired by the time they were 30; he played until he was 37.
Biographical Notes: Of Scottish descent, he worked as a life insurance agent, married a woman 20 years his junior and had four children (as of 1901).
- Won First Stanley Cup in 1893
- Prior to Stanley Cup, won AHAC championship in 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1892
- Won 1885 Montreal winter carnival tournament (pre-AHAC), posting three shutouts in four games, including one in the final
- Was clearly the best goalkeeper pre-1900, head and shoulders above the rest; unmatched consistency in performance
- Lowest GAA in 1885, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1893 (six of nine career seasons)
Ultimate Hockey Says
- Deserved Vezina in 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1893 (they didn't cover pre-1887, but clearly he would deserve it in 1885 as well)
- Deserved Hart in 1889
- Noted as best goaler pre-1900
- Noted as having "best glove hand" of his era - This one is complete bollocks, because there was no such thing as a glove hand in Paton's era
Career Stats
Here is Iain Fyffe's blog post about Paton, which includes information about what type of goaltender Paton was, and what was the nature of goaltending in his era:
Hockey from the mid-1880s to 1892 was not substantially different than hockey immediately after the introduction of the Stanley Cup in 1893. The dividing line between 1892 and 1893 is as artificial and political as the line between 1917 and 1918. As such, players from the pre-Stanley Cup era should be considered to be on par with players post-1892, at least until the professional era.
Several arguments were previously raised in an attempt to demonstrate that a relatively low level of competition existed prior to 1893. Each of these arguments will be refuted in turn.
The Nature of the Game and its Players
It was argued that hockey before 1893 was a gentlemanly game, played more for its own sake than for the competition. It was played by affluent young men, members of posh clubs. This allegedly began to change when the Cup was introduced, which gave the teams something real to strive for, and increased their incentive to do anything it takes to win.
This argument stems from the misconception that hockey before the Stanley Cup was a game played between teams from gentleman's clubs. This is false; the clubs in question were athletic clubs (such as the famous Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, who sponsored the Montreal Hockey Club). Members of these clubs joined them to undertake sport, not to assemble in the drawing room for dry sherry.
Violence has been a part of the game of hockey since its earliest years of organized competition. The players on the ice were rarely gentlemen. The following excerpts are taken from Montreal Herald game reports from the 1890 AHAC season, which of course predates the Stanley Cup by three years.
Montreal vs Quebec, 1/9/1890: The game was rather rough at times and it is regrettable to say that one of the home players forgot himself so far as to strike one of the visitors. The visitors, to their credit be it said, even when fighting against odds, stuck to their work with a commendable spirit and never seemed to lose courage.
Montreal vs Victorias, 1/17/1890: The Montreal teams gained a victory over their opponents, the Victorias, but the victory was not as clean a one as might be desired. There were three men on the winning side who resorted to very rough play. During certain stages of the game there was a good exposition of the game, but at other times there was a good deal of tripping, swiping, falls and wholesale dumping against the bank.
Campbell took charge of [the puck] and piloted it through several of his opponents, but his shot for goal was wide. Immediately after this Findlay and Kinghorn lost their temper and made an undesirable display of themselves on the ice to the disasprobation of the audience. This seemed to have the effect of making the remaining portion of the game rougher than it should have been.
Montreal vs Dominions, 1/31/1890: During certain stages of the game there was a good deal of ill temper shown by members of both teams...The match was fast, exciting, and at times a trifle rougher than was necessary.
Montrealvs Victorias, 3/4/1890: The match throughout was hard and fast and not of the easiest kind to describe. The puck was here, there and every where. It travelled fast and was not allowed to remain long in one place. There was a good deal of hacking and shinning, but this was not confined to one individual of one side, both taking a hand in it. The only regrettable feature of the match was the ill-feeling shown by Lee and McQuisten, who had a dispute and commenced to settle it with their fists. They both fell to the ice and had to be separated. They received a sharp reprimand from the referee. Later on Lee meet with an accident whereby he sustained a severe cut over the right eye.
In four of the seven match reports from this season, the writer felt the need to point out unnecessary violence in the game. The idea that hockey at this time was a group of gentleman playing a friendly game is simply false. Rough play was common, and as indicated in the above reports, fistfights happened occasionally as well. This only makes sense if the players were taking the competition very seriously, and were doing whatever they thought was needed for victory.
As to the alleged affluence of the players involved in the game at this time, this is certainly more difficult to determine that the above, since a hockey player's off-ice life was not often recorded for posterity. However in Win, Tie or Wrangle we get some background on a number of Ottawa players, for instance:
Albert Morel, G, 1891-1894: The son of a cabinetmaker, Morel was a student when he first joined the hockey club, and later worked as a private secretary and a bookkeeper for a lumber company.
Weldy Young, CP, 1891-1899: The son of a fire superintendant, he worked as an engraver in a watchmaking business tun by him and his two brothers.
Chauncey Kirby, C, 1891-1899: The son of a city treasurer, worked as a clerk at the Quebec Bank.
Bert Russell, LW, 1893-1896: Worked as a draughtsman for the Geological Survey.
Although there may be a tendency toward white collar work, none of these descriptions seem to indicate a particularly affluent lifestyle. Indeed, the player best described as affluent from the early days of Ottawa hockey would be Frank McGee, who didn't play senior hockey until 1903. McGee came from one of Ottawa's most prominent families, growing up in the “magnificent home†of his father, who was the clerk of the Privy Council, the highest-ranking civil service office in Canada. He worked as a timekeeper for the railroad, but it is certainly fair to say he came from an affluent family. However, he played at a time when the game was supposed to be becoming more serious, due to the Stanley Cup.
Similarly, census records can give us some insight into what players did for a living at a time when they didn't receive a penny for playing hockey. The following players all played at the highest level, prior to the introduction of the Stanley Cup. This is what the 1891 census lists their professions as:
Barlow, Billy - clerk
Bignell, Herbert - insurance clerk
Clapperton, Alexander - dry goods clerk
Cafferty, Thomas - lithographer
Davidson, Robert - grocery clerk
Fairbairn, William - insurance clerk
Hodgson, Archie - whale stationer
James, George - hardware clerk
Kinghorn, James - mill clerk
Larmouth, F.M. - brokerage clerk
Lee, Sam - trunkmaker
Lesser, Joshua - agent
Low, George - bank clerk
McDonnell, John - photographer
Routh, Havilland - clerk
Shearer, Andy - lumber merchant
Warden, William - bank clerk
Again, there does seem to be a tendency toward white-collar jobs, but unless “grocery clerk†or “hardware clerk†implies “affluent†to you, then there's no reason to think these men were particularly well-off in society, members of restrictive upper-crust social clubs.
Something to Play For
Related to the above, it was argued that before the Stanley Cup, teams did not have anything to play for. As such they treated the game more as a pastime than a competition.
This argument is false. The first AHAC season was in 1887, and the association named a champion at the end of each season. Before the AHAC was formed, the Montreal Winter Carnival (which started in 1883) served to determine the champion team for the season. When the Carnival was cancelled in 1886, the teams decided to hold a tournament amongst themselves to determine a champion.
Just because the Stanley Cup was not there did not mean there was no championship to be won. The Stanley Cup is viewed as the be-all and end-all in hockey by modern eyes, but that was simply not the case in its early years. It was highly prized, but other championships were important as well. In 1901, the Ottawa team, new champions of the CAHL, declined to challenge Winnipeg for the Stanley Cup even though they would have had at least an even shot of taking it. They had just won a hard battle for the league championship, and decided that was enough for them; the Stanley Cup was not worth it that year.
If anything should be viewed as giving teams something to play for, it should be the Winter Carnival Tournament. It was that event that really sparked the growth of competition in Montreal, and led directly to the establishment of the Ottawa Hockey Club.
The first excerpted game report above provides a quote about how the Quebec team never lost courage even in the face of unfavourable odds against them. This is not the description of a team out for a skate. Courage is not needed when undertaking a pastime. This is a team doing their utmost to win out against their opponents, trying even when it seemed the game had already been lost.
Player Turnover
It was argued that since few pre-Stanley Cup players continued to play in the post-Stanley Cup years, this demonstrates a significant increase in the quality of competition. Players who played before were allegedly now unable to compete.
This argument misses a very basic fact about hockey at the time: almost all players had very short careers, by modern standards. As players got into their late 20s, family and other responsibilities often came into play, meaning they had less time to devote to getting their shins whacked by sturdy pieces of wood. This trend continued into the early professional era. Here are some notable players from this era, and the age at which they played their last senior-level game:
Havilland Routh - 25
Billy Barlow - 26
Mike Grant - 28
Graham Drinkwater - 24
Bob McDougall - 22
Clare McKerrow - 22
Fred Scanlan - 25
Harry Trihey - 23
Art Farrell - 24
Frank McGee - 23
Blair Russel - 27
Herb Jordan - 26
Marty Walsh - 27
Russell Bowie - 27
With players retiring so early, it is unsurprising that few of them would be in the same league in X number of years, since they have so few years in their career to begin with. As such, even if few players who were playing in 1890 are still playing in 1895, this does not mean the quality of competition necessarily increased, because the same can be said for 1895 compared to 1900.
To demonstrate this, I examined several pairs of seasons. For each season, I noted which regular players (ie, those playing at least half of their team's games) were still regular players five seasons later. I did this in two-year intervals. The results are below.
1888 to 1893 - 7 players (Hodgson, McQuisten, McDonnell, Cameron, Stewart, Paton, Patton)
1890 to 1895 - 5 players (Cameron, Brown, Watson, Davidson, Jones)
1892 to 1897 - 4 players (Brown, Scott, Young, Watson)
1894 to 1899 - 8 players (Kirby, Watson, Young, Brown, Elliott, Grant, Collins, Stocking)
1896 to 1901 - 4 players (Stocking, Westwick, Cahill, Pulford)
1898 to 1903 - 2 players (Westwick, Pulford)
1900 to 1905 - 5 players (Bowie, Russel, Hogan, Boon, Pulford)
The average number of players is five, and there is no pattern here. Therefore the observed player turnover after the Stanley Cup came into play was merely the normal amount of player turnover for this era. This rate continued on after the Cup was introduced.
Hall of Fame, or the Lack Thereof
It was argued that if the players from the pre-Stanley Cup era were so good, then at least a few of them would have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. The selection committee usually had first-hand knowledge of the players they inducted, and didn't deem any player from this time worthy of the honour.
This appeal to authority is flawed, since the Hall of Fame selection committee has made numerous selections, even its early years, which can be described as questionable at best. The first Hall of Fame induction was in 1945, 62 years after the first Winter Carnival tournament. The idea that the committee had first-hand knowledge of early players is unsupportable. The first selection committee was made up of the following men:
Red Dutton (born 1898)
Art Ross (born 1886)
Lester Patrick (born 1883)
Abbie Coo (born 1885)
Wes McKnight (born 1909)
Basil O'Meara (botn 1892)
W. A Hewitt (Born 1875)
In addition, there were Frank Sargent and J.P. Fitzgerald, whose birth years are unsure. Clearly there is little evidence that the committee would have had first-hand knowledge of players active in 1890, some weren't even born yet and several others were but a few years old at the time. There is no reason to think these men had any particular insight into the earliest players.
The only one we know to be old enough, W.A. Hewitt, was a native of Toronto and began his newspaper career in 1895 at the Toronto News. Toronto was of course not involved in the highest level of hockey at this time. Notably, he transferred to Montreal to work at the Montreal Herald as sports editor in 1899, when Mike Grant was still active and Graham Drinkwater had only just retired. He would have had no direct experience with Tom Paton, then, but plenty with Mike Grant.
Since hockey in the 1880s era was so similar to the 1890s era, it is unfair to discount its players while not doing the same for men like Mike Grant, Graham Drinkwater, Alf Smith and Harvey Pulford as well. An argument can be made that the professional era brought a higher degree of competition; however the point of this discussion is merely to establish that there is no substantive difference between hockey in 1890 and hockey in 1895. If the players from 1895 (Drinkwater, Grant, Havilland Routh, Bob McDougall) are worthy of consideration, then so are the players from 1890. There may be a discount necessary, but not moreso for 1890 than 1895.
Shameless pasting of everything dug up in the past, thank you Dreakmur and especially Iain Fyffe:
“He was a stellar goalkeeper, putting together solid efforts from 1887 through the 1894 season. The short time he did spend playing for the AAA was well spent indeed. He was, simply put, a gem.
In the 1889 final match, the AAA bashed the Montreal Victorias 6-1, thanks in large part to his work between the pipes. According to records, he singlehandedly kept the AAA in the game long enough to ensure the victory.†–
“After losing its first match to Ottawa, the AAA swept its remaining seven games to finish ahead of the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada pack. He was rock-solid between the pipes, or "flags," leading all net-men with a 2.25 goals-against average†– on 1st Stanley Cup in 1893
“The 1888 schedule culminated in an exciting one-game playoff between the Montreal AAA and Montreal Victorias. The former took the title, winning 2-1 on the strength of some fine goaltending by him.†–
First known hockey award – given to Tom Paton in 1885

Tom Paton’s Championship medal from 1888

First ever Stanley Cup Championship ring – worn by Tom Paton

In Brief: Today he is best known as the goaltender on the first Stanley-Cup winning team, but for little else since he hung up his skates after winning it. However hockey did not actually begin in 1893, and his career stretched back eight seasons to 1885, during which time he teamed with point James Stewart and cover Allan Cameron to put up a nigh-impenetrable defence for the mighty Winged Wheelers. By far the best goaltender of his day, the Hall of Fame has overlooked him presumably due to how long ago he played. He has no champion, and predates even players like Mike Grant and Graham Drinkwater.
Years Active: 1885 to 1893, all with Montreal HC
Date of Birth: September 30, 1855. This makes him 30 years old when his career started, or rather when organized hockey tourneys started. His age is a rarity for his era - most players were retired by the time they were 30; he played until he was 37.
Biographical Notes: Of Scottish descent, he worked as a life insurance agent, married a woman 20 years his junior and had four children (as of 1901).
- Won First Stanley Cup in 1893
- Prior to Stanley Cup, won AHAC championship in 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1892
- Won 1885 Montreal winter carnival tournament (pre-AHAC), posting three shutouts in four games, including one in the final
- Was clearly the best goalkeeper pre-1900, head and shoulders above the rest; unmatched consistency in performance
- Lowest GAA in 1885, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1893 (six of nine career seasons)
Ultimate Hockey Says
- Deserved Vezina in 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1893 (they didn't cover pre-1887, but clearly he would deserve it in 1885 as well)
- Deserved Hart in 1889
- Noted as best goaler pre-1900
- Noted as having "best glove hand" of his era - This one is complete bollocks, because there was no such thing as a glove hand in Paton's era
Career Stats
Here is Iain Fyffe's blog post about Paton, which includes information about what type of goaltender Paton was, and what was the nature of goaltending in his era: said:Tom L. Paton (b.1854) was a goaltender for the Montreal Hockey Club (or AAA, or Winged Wheelers) from 1885 to 1893. He is easily the most successful goaltender of the pre-Stanley Cup era, and indeed for the 19th century. His team won the Montreal Winter Carnival championship in 1885 and 1887, and the championship of the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada (AHAC) in 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892 and 1893. With James Stewart and Allan Cameron playing in front of him on the defence, the Winger Wheelers were often an impenetrable defensive fortress.
The goaltender's task in the 1880s was clearly different in execution from that of the modern goalie, due to the fact that he was prohibited from falling to the ice to make saves. However, it is easy to overstate the degree of difference; olde tyme goalers used whatever body part was handy in order to stop the puck, just like today's netminders. Quebec Hockey Club goaltender Frank Stocking, who played senior hockey from 1892 to 1901, describes the goaltender's role in Art Farrell's 1899 book Hockey: Canada's Royal Winter Game as follows:
Frank Stocking in "Hockey: Canada's Royal Winter Game" said:In stopping the puck, the feet, limbs, body and hands are all used according to the nature of the shot. The stick is used to clear the puck from the goals after stop has been made, but rarely to make the stop. Some goalers use the hands much more frequently than others and make splendid stops in this way. But this depends on the individual's handiness, those accustomed to play baseball and cricket, excelling. The most difficult shot to stop results from a quick pass in front of goals at the height of about one foot off the ice.
It should be noted that Stocking wrote this passage after the introduction of goalie pads, which were introduced by Winnipeg goaltender George Merritt in 1896, who used cricket pads to protect his shins. One surmises that, before these pads were in use, a goaltender would have been more likely to use his stick to make stops, to limit the numbers of shots against his shins. Although 1880s goaltenders did wear some shin protection, it was not nearly as full as the cricket pads would be.
Also note the reference to clearing the puck; though Tom Paton was clearly an effective goaltender in terms of stopping the puck, it seems his most noteworthy feature was his skill at clearing the puck once it was stopped. From a Montreal Gazette game report of January 14, 1888, for example, we have the following:
Montreal Gazette said:Brown by a rush took the puck well up where Lee made a gallant effort to score without success, as Paton was on the alerts and sent it down only to be returned to him to defend his charge which he did well.
McQuisten was the first man to show up prominently; he passed it to Brown who shot for goals, but as Paton was keeping a sharp lookout it was sent up again where another spell of open play occurred.
Lee sent in another sharp one to Paton, who sent it back.
He was not just a stickhandler, though, as this passage from the January 30, 1893 edition of the Gazette suggests:
Montreal Gazette said:At the start the puck was carried down to the Montreal end of the ice and shot after shot was made at the goal, but Paton stopped them with his hands, stick or feet. He seemed to be in every part of the goals at once, and every time the puck was shot in it was as speedily returned, and finally Cameron scooped it up to the other end of the rink.
So I see Paton very much as a 19th Century Martin Brodeur: a goaltender who is very proficient at stopping the puck, but who also contributes greatly to his side's efforts with his stick.
Hockey from the mid-1880s to 1892 was not substantially different than hockey immediately after the introduction of the Stanley Cup in 1893. The dividing line between 1892 and 1893 is as artificial and political as the line between 1917 and 1918. As such, players from the pre-Stanley Cup era should be considered to be on par with players post-1892, at least until the professional era.
Several arguments were previously raised in an attempt to demonstrate that a relatively low level of competition existed prior to 1893. Each of these arguments will be refuted in turn.
The Nature of the Game and its Players
It was argued that hockey before 1893 was a gentlemanly game, played more for its own sake than for the competition. It was played by affluent young men, members of posh clubs. This allegedly began to change when the Cup was introduced, which gave the teams something real to strive for, and increased their incentive to do anything it takes to win.
This argument stems from the misconception that hockey before the Stanley Cup was a game played between teams from gentleman's clubs. This is false; the clubs in question were athletic clubs (such as the famous Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, who sponsored the Montreal Hockey Club). Members of these clubs joined them to undertake sport, not to assemble in the drawing room for dry sherry.
Violence has been a part of the game of hockey since its earliest years of organized competition. The players on the ice were rarely gentlemen. The following excerpts are taken from Montreal Herald game reports from the 1890 AHAC season, which of course predates the Stanley Cup by three years.
Montreal vs Quebec, 1/9/1890: The game was rather rough at times and it is regrettable to say that one of the home players forgot himself so far as to strike one of the visitors. The visitors, to their credit be it said, even when fighting against odds, stuck to their work with a commendable spirit and never seemed to lose courage.
Montreal vs Victorias, 1/17/1890: The Montreal teams gained a victory over their opponents, the Victorias, but the victory was not as clean a one as might be desired. There were three men on the winning side who resorted to very rough play. During certain stages of the game there was a good exposition of the game, but at other times there was a good deal of tripping, swiping, falls and wholesale dumping against the bank.
Campbell took charge of [the puck] and piloted it through several of his opponents, but his shot for goal was wide. Immediately after this Findlay and Kinghorn lost their temper and made an undesirable display of themselves on the ice to the disasprobation of the audience. This seemed to have the effect of making the remaining portion of the game rougher than it should have been.
Montreal vs Dominions, 1/31/1890: During certain stages of the game there was a good deal of ill temper shown by members of both teams...The match was fast, exciting, and at times a trifle rougher than was necessary.
Montrealvs Victorias, 3/4/1890: The match throughout was hard and fast and not of the easiest kind to describe. The puck was here, there and every where. It travelled fast and was not allowed to remain long in one place. There was a good deal of hacking and shinning, but this was not confined to one individual of one side, both taking a hand in it. The only regrettable feature of the match was the ill-feeling shown by Lee and McQuisten, who had a dispute and commenced to settle it with their fists. They both fell to the ice and had to be separated. They received a sharp reprimand from the referee. Later on Lee meet with an accident whereby he sustained a severe cut over the right eye.
In four of the seven match reports from this season, the writer felt the need to point out unnecessary violence in the game. The idea that hockey at this time was a group of gentleman playing a friendly game is simply false. Rough play was common, and as indicated in the above reports, fistfights happened occasionally as well. This only makes sense if the players were taking the competition very seriously, and were doing whatever they thought was needed for victory.
As to the alleged affluence of the players involved in the game at this time, this is certainly more difficult to determine that the above, since a hockey player's off-ice life was not often recorded for posterity. However in Win, Tie or Wrangle we get some background on a number of Ottawa players, for instance:
Albert Morel, G, 1891-1894: The son of a cabinetmaker, Morel was a student when he first joined the hockey club, and later worked as a private secretary and a bookkeeper for a lumber company.
Weldy Young, CP, 1891-1899: The son of a fire superintendant, he worked as an engraver in a watchmaking business tun by him and his two brothers.
Chauncey Kirby, C, 1891-1899: The son of a city treasurer, worked as a clerk at the Quebec Bank.
Bert Russell, LW, 1893-1896: Worked as a draughtsman for the Geological Survey.
Although there may be a tendency toward white collar work, none of these descriptions seem to indicate a particularly affluent lifestyle. Indeed, the player best described as affluent from the early days of Ottawa hockey would be Frank McGee, who didn't play senior hockey until 1903. McGee came from one of Ottawa's most prominent families, growing up in the “magnificent home†of his father, who was the clerk of the Privy Council, the highest-ranking civil service office in Canada. He worked as a timekeeper for the railroad, but it is certainly fair to say he came from an affluent family. However, he played at a time when the game was supposed to be becoming more serious, due to the Stanley Cup.
Similarly, census records can give us some insight into what players did for a living at a time when they didn't receive a penny for playing hockey. The following players all played at the highest level, prior to the introduction of the Stanley Cup. This is what the 1891 census lists their professions as:
Barlow, Billy - clerk
Bignell, Herbert - insurance clerk
Clapperton, Alexander - dry goods clerk
Cafferty, Thomas - lithographer
Davidson, Robert - grocery clerk
Fairbairn, William - insurance clerk
Hodgson, Archie - whale stationer
James, George - hardware clerk
Kinghorn, James - mill clerk
Larmouth, F.M. - brokerage clerk
Lee, Sam - trunkmaker
Lesser, Joshua - agent
Low, George - bank clerk
McDonnell, John - photographer
Routh, Havilland - clerk
Shearer, Andy - lumber merchant
Warden, William - bank clerk
Again, there does seem to be a tendency toward white-collar jobs, but unless “grocery clerk†or “hardware clerk†implies “affluent†to you, then there's no reason to think these men were particularly well-off in society, members of restrictive upper-crust social clubs.
Something to Play For
Related to the above, it was argued that before the Stanley Cup, teams did not have anything to play for. As such they treated the game more as a pastime than a competition.
This argument is false. The first AHAC season was in 1887, and the association named a champion at the end of each season. Before the AHAC was formed, the Montreal Winter Carnival (which started in 1883) served to determine the champion team for the season. When the Carnival was cancelled in 1886, the teams decided to hold a tournament amongst themselves to determine a champion.
Just because the Stanley Cup was not there did not mean there was no championship to be won. The Stanley Cup is viewed as the be-all and end-all in hockey by modern eyes, but that was simply not the case in its early years. It was highly prized, but other championships were important as well. In 1901, the Ottawa team, new champions of the CAHL, declined to challenge Winnipeg for the Stanley Cup even though they would have had at least an even shot of taking it. They had just won a hard battle for the league championship, and decided that was enough for them; the Stanley Cup was not worth it that year.
If anything should be viewed as giving teams something to play for, it should be the Winter Carnival Tournament. It was that event that really sparked the growth of competition in Montreal, and led directly to the establishment of the Ottawa Hockey Club.
The first excerpted game report above provides a quote about how the Quebec team never lost courage even in the face of unfavourable odds against them. This is not the description of a team out for a skate. Courage is not needed when undertaking a pastime. This is a team doing their utmost to win out against their opponents, trying even when it seemed the game had already been lost.
Player Turnover
It was argued that since few pre-Stanley Cup players continued to play in the post-Stanley Cup years, this demonstrates a significant increase in the quality of competition. Players who played before were allegedly now unable to compete.
This argument misses a very basic fact about hockey at the time: almost all players had very short careers, by modern standards. As players got into their late 20s, family and other responsibilities often came into play, meaning they had less time to devote to getting their shins whacked by sturdy pieces of wood. This trend continued into the early professional era. Here are some notable players from this era, and the age at which they played their last senior-level game:
Havilland Routh - 25
Billy Barlow - 26
Mike Grant - 28
Graham Drinkwater - 24
Bob McDougall - 22
Clare McKerrow - 22
Fred Scanlan - 25
Harry Trihey - 23
Art Farrell - 24
Frank McGee - 23
Blair Russel - 27
Herb Jordan - 26
Marty Walsh - 27
Russell Bowie - 27
With players retiring so early, it is unsurprising that few of them would be in the same league in X number of years, since they have so few years in their career to begin with. As such, even if few players who were playing in 1890 are still playing in 1895, this does not mean the quality of competition necessarily increased, because the same can be said for 1895 compared to 1900.
To demonstrate this, I examined several pairs of seasons. For each season, I noted which regular players (ie, those playing at least half of their team's games) were still regular players five seasons later. I did this in two-year intervals. The results are below.
1888 to 1893 - 7 players (Hodgson, McQuisten, McDonnell, Cameron, Stewart, Paton, Patton)
1890 to 1895 - 5 players (Cameron, Brown, Watson, Davidson, Jones)
1892 to 1897 - 4 players (Brown, Scott, Young, Watson)
1894 to 1899 - 8 players (Kirby, Watson, Young, Brown, Elliott, Grant, Collins, Stocking)
1896 to 1901 - 4 players (Stocking, Westwick, Cahill, Pulford)
1898 to 1903 - 2 players (Westwick, Pulford)
1900 to 1905 - 5 players (Bowie, Russel, Hogan, Boon, Pulford)
The average number of players is five, and there is no pattern here. Therefore the observed player turnover after the Stanley Cup came into play was merely the normal amount of player turnover for this era. This rate continued on after the Cup was introduced.
Hall of Fame, or the Lack Thereof
It was argued that if the players from the pre-Stanley Cup era were so good, then at least a few of them would have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. The selection committee usually had first-hand knowledge of the players they inducted, and didn't deem any player from this time worthy of the honour.
This appeal to authority is flawed, since the Hall of Fame selection committee has made numerous selections, even its early years, which can be described as questionable at best. The first Hall of Fame induction was in 1945, 62 years after the first Winter Carnival tournament. The idea that the committee had first-hand knowledge of early players is unsupportable. The first selection committee was made up of the following men:
Red Dutton (born 1898)
Art Ross (born 1886)
Lester Patrick (born 1883)
Abbie Coo (born 1885)
Wes McKnight (born 1909)
Basil O'Meara (botn 1892)
W. A Hewitt (Born 1875)
In addition, there were Frank Sargent and J.P. Fitzgerald, whose birth years are unsure. Clearly there is little evidence that the committee would have had first-hand knowledge of players active in 1890, some weren't even born yet and several others were but a few years old at the time. There is no reason to think these men had any particular insight into the earliest players.
The only one we know to be old enough, W.A. Hewitt, was a native of Toronto and began his newspaper career in 1895 at the Toronto News. Toronto was of course not involved in the highest level of hockey at this time. Notably, he transferred to Montreal to work at the Montreal Herald as sports editor in 1899, when Mike Grant was still active and Graham Drinkwater had only just retired. He would have had no direct experience with Tom Paton, then, but plenty with Mike Grant.
Since hockey in the 1880s era was so similar to the 1890s era, it is unfair to discount its players while not doing the same for men like Mike Grant, Graham Drinkwater, Alf Smith and Harvey Pulford as well. An argument can be made that the professional era brought a higher degree of competition; however the point of this discussion is merely to establish that there is no substantive difference between hockey in 1890 and hockey in 1895. If the players from 1895 (Drinkwater, Grant, Havilland Routh, Bob McDougall) are worthy of consideration, then so are the players from 1890. There may be a discount necessary, but not moreso for 1890 than 1895.
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