Also a note: I don't know how much other folks here follow baseball prospects. I will admit that baseball is actually my favorite sport (baseball is 1a, hockey is 1b, and I don't follow anything else), and I keep a much closer eye on baseball prospects than I do on hockey. That doesn't doesn't mean I know anything - I don't see much minor league ball outside of brooklyn, which is not exactly a bastion of blue chippers most years - just that I am more fluent in how the system works in baseball. As such, I don't say much anymore about hockey prospects, as I only see the guys in he AHL (thanks hockeyhockeystreams), and only keep tabs on Ranger prospects. The point is that if you're big into hockey prospecting, but don't pay too much attention to baseball, be careful. The baseball development system is even more complex than it is in hockey (there are literally differant systems for talent aquistion based on player origin, and you're dealing with guys coming into pro ball at anywhere between age 16 and 22, and of course therw a million differant leagues and levels of the minors), and you have to really keep on top of your stuff to have any idea what is going on in the world of hockey prospects. You know how annoying it is when another team's fan comes in to our prospect thread and questions a guy that they never follow based on stats? or when casual hockey fans try and extrapolate NHL performance based soley off minor league production? Don't be that guy.
Apologies if that was patronizing - I expect that it was - but context is important.