Toronto Maple Leafs Toy Co.
- Jun 17, 2011
- 43,437
- 13,904
People should be focusing on Matthews more, big sexy had ONE goal the last two playoff series. He routinely doesn’t want the puck, never asserts himself, waits around for someone else to ignite the team, and somehow it’s all on Marner for our playoff failures? This little rub, again, like all his other injuries, show the team character does looks different with him out, perhaps it’s instructive. Everyone looks to the alpha male for leadership, if it’s spotty and unreliable, it trickles down, that’s sport. Marner deserves the playoff scorn, but 34 is the big dog and he don’t bark, so far.
You’re peddling nonsense and we have to prove your garbage wrong? Doesn’t work that way, the earth is round, you go prove yourself. Such bottom feeding bullshit dude, we get you don’t like him, don’t dumpster dive to prove a point, makes you look ridiculous.
I have heard he is difficult plenty.
The Babcock drama nonsense real.
His negotiations very obvious and all about money nothing about team.
Ferris very transparent, biggest slime ball out there.
TV personalities over exaggerating his contract 100% confirmed. No way to deny this.
13.8m Kyper lol what a joke.
Media representation is awful
Lastly. Complete and utter failure to the trashiest extent for a lol 13.8m player ever in elimination games without exception.
Sorry there guys, you want to pay players the moon and have a Muskoka 5 type of team, you will not see a cup in this town and will be proven to be fools yet again.
Knies should just start at 10m and same with Woll or Stolarz next contract. Why the he'll not, this team and the media around it are off their rocker just like the people that want to pay that absolute ransom today.
I spit out mostly facts or plausible scenarios. Not some crazy brain stuff like 13.8m from Kyper who you all seem to worship now in your hive mind regarding MM
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