Ok a couple things here. (I follow zib since he was stolen from us to feel pain and joy as a reminder of the unpredictable roller coaster life is
“Going vegan” is more of an environmental, biological, animal rights based thing. The diet portion of the lifestyle is a consequence.
Eating meat does not grow muscles.
Umm protein and amino acids build muscle. Not plants
A bull, rhino, gorilla, elephant are some of the strongest animals on the planet. They don’t eat meat. Some uneducated humans think that eating a strong animal gives strength rather than eating what that animal eats.
Animals have different stomachs than humans. Humans are meant to eat meat. Many animals have stomach to break down plants and grasses to get the nutrients. That's why cows have 4 stomachs.
Eating meat and dairy creates inflammation, while eating fruits and vegetables decreases it.
You accuse people about spewing misinformation. Meat causing inflammation is completely incorrect. Meat has many nutrients that people lack in their diet. Vegans don't have as well-developed brains because of the nutrients and amino acids they lack in their diet. Plants cause bloating for many people and can even prevent absorption of nutrients. Also if we want to go there the nutrients in plants are WAY down compared to 30 years. You would need 30 oranges today to equal the nutrition of 1 orange 30 years ago. The way the US does it's farming is destroying the nutrients in the soil and is unsustainable. If we stopped doing things for multi million profits we could have sustainable agriculture with grass fed regenerative farms, and rotating crops.
Eating meat and dairy increases cholesterol. Plant foods don’t contain cholesterol.
We need cholesterol in our diets. It's how we create hormones. Dietary cholesterol is not a big factor of the cholesterol your liver produces. More misinformation.
Saturated fats found in animal foods inhibit oxygen flow and clog arteries. Plant foods do the opposite.
Once again another outdated myth. Processed foods and vegetable oils are the culprit.
As long as a “vegan” is eating enough food, they will be healthier than before they were “vegan” maintaining the same fitness routine. Just as strong or stronger.
Unlikely. Most vegans are severely lacking. And most vegan bodybuilders didn't get jacked because they went vegan. They were already muscular from eating protein and animals.
A lot of posters here spewing out misinformation that doesn’t help anyone.
Being vegan doesn’t mean weaker. (See other strong animal examples)