Again i agree there are flaws w z. He disappears too often, doesn't maximize his talent, weak on D. Its fair to be concerned w him being our 1c. I agree he should be a 2 or a 1b. Why go so hyperbolic and use such a poor argument?
You type up this big pile of bullshit and you're asking what I'm talking about?
I like talking about a players strengths and weaknesses but the babies around here will just turn it into a shit show of personal attacks because your opinion or facts don't line up with their geek sheets and that's why you have this garbage forum wide.
I'll just weed through the BS and quote the only relevant blurb we can both agree on.
Wait..You watched Brass do nothing in the playoffs?
Who gives a shit about their first season?
I love the way you dance around every one of my points and the fact that you dismiss certain players success and throw around time frames just to suit your narrow minded argument will never make it true.
Idk why I even answered the other post.
I'm done talking about this.