My league has a "Fair play" warning and/or penalty that can be called if you're just showing up the other team in lower divisions. That's the only context @Outl4w 's warning makes sense to me.
Tangentially related story from last night:
Last 10 minutes in a 3-0 game my team is losing.
Our best player (who is too good for this league to be fair) is making some really fantastic rushes up the length of the ice since we're down, but always only takes a pretty easy shot to avoid the "Fair Play" penalty. Someone on the other team apparently took offence so they take him out at the knee.Our guy stays down for a while, limps off not to return. Other guy is ejected, despite the constant bitching from the other team. In the dressing room later he puts little to no weight on the knee, says hopefully it'll be okay in a couple of weeks.
FFS - this is means league at 10:15 Tuesday night. What the hell was the other guy thinking?
Sorry to hear about your teammates injury, however, in my opinion this is why people who are too good for lower levels shouldn't drop down. (I know it happens everywhere, but it doesn't make it right)
1. It's not fair at all
2. It leads to frustration by the other team, which leads to bad penalties, which leads to injuries.
Sorry to hear about your teammates injury, however, in my opinion this is why people who are too good for lower levels shouldn't drop down. (I know it happens everywhere, but it doesn't make it right)
1. It's not fair at all
2. It leads to frustration by the other team, which leads to bad penalties, which leads to injuries.
But I want to remind you of the score - we were losing 3 to nothing. That's part of why our ringer was opening things up a little bit more than usual. He plays D and some nights you barely notice him - it's just he's never out of position and can make fabulous breakout passes.
I hate this argument.
My team has no-one that scores a better than a goal per game everyone is near the same level and when we go out and we generally play teams that are all at our level except for one or two skaters
So if we have a good first 2 periods to go into the 3rd up 2 goals it's cool of them to then go end to end twice and negate the rest of the game because we put ourselves in a position to win? Honestly it's worse than running up the score and getting moved up because you are going to sit in a division where come playoff time this same garbage makes it uncompetitive for everyone else.
Sounds like NCHL. Played a team on Sunday of primarily 20 somethings. A couple guys have obviously played. We are mid low tier since most of our team is 50+. I started bringing the boy out once in a while, and now he subs for the team. Having played some JR A, he is always the best player on the ice, but he doesn't skate hard.So I mentioned before that my league has a "fair play" rule for lower to middle divisions where you can be assessed a penalty if you're playing to far above the play level of that division. And our team has been assessed fair play warnings in the past.
We get a lengthy email from the league. There have been so many complaints about who is or is not getting "fair play" penalties (it should be called more against the other team, and less against your own team) the league has said screw it. No more "fair play" rule for the middle divisions - it's only for the lowest few. Your most skilled players have free reign. And if you don't like how that works out - well it's your own damn fault. Build your teams better.
So this should be... interesting. First game under the new rule is Saturday night.
We also had a team meeting. We started out as a team of newbies, but as guys have dropped out or we needed spares we'd get more talented players, sometimes much more talented. So we generally agreed we were going to try and de-escalate and find players more comparable in skill level (which also might bring back a couple of guys who dropped out). We already know our biggest ringer won't be back (he's injured). But that won't happen until the fall. And it probably means we're going to get slaughtered for awhile...
There is a team in the one of the leagues I play in called the thundercocks and you described them to the T A guy grabbed my stick and threw it and didn't get a penalty. Every time you skate by one of their players, they will slash you, cross check you, or try to board you. Their team takes pride in knowing all the other teams think they are aholes. They act like they are tough, but in reality they are just a bunch of babies. They can give it out, but can't take the body without losing it. They cry the second anyone puts a body on them and beg the refs for penalties. I hate playing against them because all they do is try to hurt you, but it is fun running the score up on them when you got lots of juicy powerplays and watching them cry and meltdown on the bench. If they focused more on hockey and less on being dbags trying to hurt people they could actually win the league. I skipped the game against them last night, because I have a minor injury and didn't want to get hurt. I can't wait to them in the playoffs and smoke them.Gotta love playing a team that is constantly cross checking people in the head and chest, slashing sticks out of hands and checking people but then calls a timeout to spend more time crying to the refs about how incidental contact should have been a penalty. Oh, and constant trash talking followed up by, “jeez, it’s only Sunday beer league” after someone decides to push someone back.
I hear that! In our game last Wednesday night (solid intermediate level) the other team had a trio of brothers whom clearly belonged in the next level up. They were obvious sandbaggers and were up 5-1 late in the third when one of them gets a semi-breakaway. I am the lone D-man back and am skating my ass off to catch him. I get within a stick length of him and am able to muster up a weak one-handed upward stick-check (that I was called for a slash) about halfway up his stick. It was not even bad AT ALL. Ref calls me for a slash and the kid (probably early 20's) gives me the ol, "man, watch your stick, its only beer league, im not out here to get hurt" spiel. Now if I gave him a two-handed chop he would have a point, but my "slash" was a soft upward stick-check that was closer to the hands than the blade of his stick. I told him something along the lines of that "its only Wednesday night beer league, maybe you shouldn't be sand-bagging and play in your actual level." I wasn't trying to be crafty with a chirp, just as Chuck's post mentioned. So many people can dish it out, sand-bag, muck it up, but as soon as you push back and stand up for yourself in a they start the whine fest.Gotta love playing a team that is constantly cross checking people in the head and chest, slashing sticks out of hands and checking people but then calls a timeout to spend more time crying to the refs about how incidental contact should have been a penalty. Oh, and constant trash talking followed up by, “jeez, it’s only Sunday beer league” after someone decides to push someone back.
Hey I’m on that team you ahole. See you in the playoffs.There is a team in the one of the leagues I play in called the thundercocks and you described them to the T A guy grabbed my stick and threw it and didn't get a penalty. Every time you skate by one of their players, they will slash you, cross check you, or try to board you. Their team takes pride in knowing all the other teams think they are aholes. They act like they are tough, but in reality they are just a bunch of babies. They can give it out, but can't take the body without losing it. They cry the second anyone puts a body on them and beg the refs for penalties. I hate playing against them because all they do is try to hurt you, but it is fun running the score up on them when you got lots of juicy powerplays and watching them cry and meltdown on the bench. If they focused more on hockey and less on being dbags trying to hurt people they could actually win the league. I skipped the game against them last night, because I have a minor injury and didn't want to get hurt. I can't wait to them in the playoffs and smoke them.
Be awesome if you were.Hey I’m on that team you ahole. See you in the playoffs.
If a goalie's obviously been hurt during the game and it turns into a blowout because he can't physically move other than to wave at pucks, don't ****ing celly over him after he lets in a softie with a minute left. Not even if you're a scrub who only scores once a year.
These teams play twice every three months. I can remember your number for 6 weeks, guy. And I don't mind sitting in the penalty box for a few minutes.
Generally agree @tarheelhockey but not with the bolded (since I am sadly a scrub myself).
Couple years ago remember playing, other team was blowing us out. A girl on the other team scores a weak goal, but the other team just goes nuts celebrating. Turns out it was her first ever goal. I wasn't even mad. If her shoes I'd do the same (though I'm still waiting for that first goal).
But otherwise - yeah. How is it even worth celebrating a weak goal like that? Give a little fist pump or something and line up for the face off.
Yeah, it seems like there’s a player like this in just about every league (including the NHL, with guys like John Scott). Understandable that it’s a meaningful moment for the player and team.
In this specific case it was really more about cellying on a goalie who was very visibly injured and just trying to run out the clock in a blowout. And in the case of the scrub, talking shit to the bench as well. Just not a smart thing to do in a sport where a certain amount of incidental contact is permitted.
If being called "Gordie Howe" was meant to be a chirp, it's not a very good one...The biggest thing about rec league is competitive balance and oddly "the code". I play with my kid who comes out and doesn't try very hard, so he can play with the old man. The old man....he tries. But I don't chirp, commit penalties, or celly hard.
I was having a game last night and their captain came up to me after I scored my 3rd, and said..."Who knew they were bringing out Gordie Howe tonight." I said "Um...he passed away but we are about the same age"
Oddly my kid didn't drive the was me and our other linemate.View attachment 533719