I'm with you on that. I think part of the issue is many here have the luxury of mostly watching the Pittsburgh feeds and don't have to suffer through all the shitty broadcasts of the other teams other than as an occasional experience (assumption). I'm lucky if half the games I watch (which is usually 70 or so a season) are the PIT broadcast. It certainly leads to a different perspective regarding how good we had it with Mears and Errey (mainly Errey).
As for Army... I think the comment above somewhere describing him as sounding like a drunken frat boy seems pretty accurate. Hopefully he'll improve with more experience... because sadly I think there's a ways to go.
At least Holly is going to be easy on the eyes. Dan was always meh so this has got to be an improvement right?
Yep, I'm not trying to flex or anything. Me spending that much time watching other broadcasts isn't a healthy thing. But I do know the broadcasters better than most fans as a result, and the takes about Errey here seem very spoiled and misinformed. If people wanna see stupid, I can show them some of the actual idiots doing the job around the league. And if people wanna see annoying, try listening to the Islanders guy who struggles to put sentences together like Biden these days, or the Caps guy who emphasizes a syllable/word every few words in a sentence, and talks way louder than he needs to. Then there's the Detroit guy who interrupts the PBP guy when something exciting is happening with "WHEW!, WOW!, OH MY!, GOODNESS!" Ken Daniels can't complete the sentences he wants to regularly. He simply has the patience of a saint.
I haven't even brought up the Western Conference, where the average level is even worse.
No...we've had it good with Bob lol.
I don't think Army's gonna be worthless. He has personality, and that's probably what us fans here value most at this point. But he's certainly gonna be below par on the fundamentals.
On a random side note, we should all have babes in our avatars like you. Would probably improve the mood here. I'm reserving Christina Hendricks.