It's more and more difficult to understand why Brodin wasn't invited.
Sundin as a motivator on the bench would be awesome for Sweden. He is not yet a coach.. But as a motivator he was frigging amazing in his playing career.
I know. Hopefully it's over after this loss. is it just me or does he kind of look like a fish?
putin have payed the refs.
It matters little which coach you got in this case, it is the icing on the cake really. If all "injured" players who would have fought to the end if they were still (or at all) in the NHL-playoffs this would have gone well. No blame at those who answered the call, all on those staying at home.
I really don't want to play the blame/excuse game, but it's sad that the stars of Sweden always seem to find a way to escape the WC - or they aren't even invited, while the stars of Russia always ALWAYS come to represent their nation.
Sweden has no national pride left, Russia has it oozing out of its every pore...
I mean..
Excluding Washington, Calgary & Montreal who pretty recently got knocked out of the SC.