I only have two Finnish friends and have only been once to Helsinki on business, so I don't know the country and its mentality at all. Is all the whining and whinging normal? Is that something you can expect from most Finnish fans when they don't like some calls made by referees? Goodness me, how irritating.
In terms of the actual calls, I think not giving the Finnish 'goal' is justifiable, but even if it wasn't - let's say, the refs made a mistake and the goal should have been given - are you not getting bored of banging on about it? We get it, you think the refs screwed up or were deliberately conspiring against Finland. We get the message, we understand your position. It won't get any clearer by repeating it endlessly.
Great game by Jagr last night, and I am very pleased that the amazing fans of the Czech team get to cheer for another two games. Unfortunately the second game will be for third place, I don't see how anyone will come close to beating Canada. You never know, but it is very unlikely.