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Dood, its Marners right... its also the fans right to shit on him for his choices as he pretends to love Toronto.hmmm
None of what you said are his fault or problem. He is not in charge of what his dad says. An agents job is to advocate for his player no matter what.
Offer sheet? Did he not in fact refuse to sign a massive offer sheet from Columbus to stay in Toronto?
"??? Literally 100% of all teams have won without a player like that". I guess he isn't even worth league min then. If he is so worthless and no team can win with him...why all the crying and bitching him being a big baby and wanting him to sign for far less than he is worth?? seems you want it both ways.....
The team messed up and let him have all the power and now crying to the press like babies.....
Its the leafs choices if they want to resign him when he bombs in the playoffs again and 100% he will complain in the media about wanting to stay but the leafs dont want him....
and yes, its the Player that dictates his wishes to the agent... the agent doesn't just make up shit and go into business for himself or he would be fired.