It's odd that people have suddenly switched to the idea that he sucks. He's been one of our top defensive prospects; a right handed shot that did well in Sweden and the world juniors, put up 5 points in 7 games in his first AHL playoffs, and then led our AHL defense in scoring as a rookie last year. Even this year, he's second. You shouldn't throw away every 22 year old defenseman that isn't "destroying the AHL".
I'm not sure what people think Benoit, Lagesson, Lajoie, Myers, Rifai, etc. did to earn NHL games, or why they plus Kokkonen, Mattinen, Webber, Mermis, etc. earned more preseason opportunity. I gave you some reasons why we could use somebody with his skills, but this isn't even about giving him an NHL roster spot yet. This is about not throwing him away, just because he's not the size of a truck.
How Liljegren was handled this year was a whole other failure.