I think the LTIR stuff is dumb as a league problem that should just get addressed with the next CBA, but I don't fault VGK management for it. Nor do I fault them for being ruthless... sure, they mistreat players at times but what do I really care? It's worked for them so far.
My dislike of VGK is because we actually had a rivalry when the Sharks didn't suck, and they were a formidable rival. The problem (versus other rivals of the past like, say DET or LAK or CHI) is their expansion draft, but more than that, the fanbase entitlement. Also I just generally don't like the city. And then Stone is a pretty good villain, like other classic villains on other teams that people love to hate.
Fans of every fanbase can be / are insufferable at times (every sport, every city) but franchises that get gifted good teams and early success are just distasteful. Sour grapes as a Sharks fan? Absolutely. Yes, that applies to COL as well so the VGK-COL in the 90's parallel is apt. COL has gone through a decade of pain though now, so I think their fanbase has come around and I don't fault them for being excited about their success.
I'll probably feel the same about VGK once they go through an inevitable downcycle... the fans that make it through that will be alright with me (except the insufferable ones).
LOL at the edgelords who, as fully grown adults, use words like "butthurt" to describe people who don't like a franchise, and decide to be counterculture and like VGK just because of some strawman enemy that "needs to grow up" ... look in the mirror broseph. The self awareness is low.