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i think it depends on what is available right? If we look around do we really see any piece that was traded for a 1st where we are like hot damn, we should've been on that 100%?The problem is that there seems to be a much more important risk that if they have a bad season, Pettersson walks himself to UFA.
I don’t see a compelling story about why the moves management has made to give up future wins were good but the moves not made to push the needle further were good too.
I also don't believe this season is playoff or bust in terms of extending Petey. Like if he himself or some other core piece gets hurt for a long stretch of games (touch wood), and we miss the playoff by like a point or 2 becuase of those absence, would he look at that and say, no playoff no sign or is it more like, there is obvious upward trajectory that if they add like another guy or two in the offseason, we can survive a big injury or two and still be compeittive and he buys into the project.