- Sep 25, 2016
- 18,125
- 10,962
What is remarkable is that there are still clusters of fans who think Benning did a great job. Doesn’t matter what the results for almost a decade indicate, their opinion is set in stone.
i doubt anyone thinks benning did a great job, but i think many watching this current 100% benning-free f***ery unfold feel as strongly as ever that benning did not do as bad a job as others like you think. i have said for years that you can judge benning for agreeing to be an errand boy, but you can't judge how well he did that job without knowing the errands his idiot boss gave him.
benning's problem for me remains that he was willing to be a consigliore and then that he was stuck being consigliore for sonny and not michael and then nobody whacked sonny. unfortunately there is no michael in that family. just a sonny and some fredos.
but i digress. we can now see very clearly that aqualini finds ways to compromise the autonomy of everyone he hires. even the great gillis could not make trades or change direction when aquaman disagreed and then was forced to hire a coach he didn't choose or want, and even the great linden could not use his supreme canuck moral authority and reputation to take control of the team's destiny as poho. in fact, linden famously got fired for trying to do the job of a poho and set team direction.
more recently, right after he was hired with full autonomy jr apparently found himself trapped in an absolute shit show with aquaman controlling hockey ops decisions by pretending he cared about a coach's salary to force a personnel decision on jr that he did not want to make.
with all that context, it is kind of understandable now that benning could not trade hamhuis because his idiot boss interfered, and almost certain that most or all of the significant decisions this team has made during that era were aquaman's to make and benning's to implement. without doubt aquaman may have approved benning's ideas, but the direction was set by aquaman and the details were reviewed an approved by aquaman.
the difference may be that jr has perhaps served notice he will just throw aquaman under the bus every time he f***s with the team going forward, even if that means throwing a player or coach with him. i say perhaps, because i am still not sure jr actually chose tochett as opposed to being steered there by the owner from among the limited mid-season candidates. so jr may not have gotten his full way beyond ditching bb.
and even if he did get his way, that doesn't mean jr was more competent than benning as a poho/gm, just more competent at managing an insanely interfering boss so he can do what needs to be done as a poho/gm, a skill most gm/pohos do not need to master to anything like the degree a canuck gm/poho must do.
so as to benning, i think he absolutely missed the retool by screwing up the kesler trade, screwed it up a second time with the sutter trade, and made some crazy anticipatory extensions and signings that over time eroded the team's capital, but then he did make some corrections and in 19-20 had a playoff team that got screwed by covid. to assess what he did in his last years i'd need to know what he was dealing with, and especially who decided both marky and tanev had to go and who decided to add oel.
i do also think benning should have been gone after he missed the retool. i think it is a bad idea to keep a gm in position after their big bets have missed regardless of whether it is their fault. those misses weigh the gm's rep down in a way that influences future decisions.
anyway, fingers crossed that jr won a full victory here and aquaman has taken a huge hit. that would be more important to the team's future than tochett's suitability as a coach.