For sure here is exactly hate towards Laine. So what if some of us Finns are excited about Laine and hyping him? So are you North Americans on your McDavids's and Matthews's. Laine is the best U18 prospect that Finland has ever had and he just had the best season by achievements that ANY U18 player has ever had. When a player has had that kind of a season as an 18 year old, it makes really no sense for some people saying in an angry tone, that no, he definitely will never become as good or better than Ovechkin. This kind of approach tells exactly that these people don't like Laine and they don't want him to become so good as some Laine fans are hoping for and what Laine has openly said that he is aiming for (to become the best player in the world).
Many neutral expert's have been praising Laine enormously and have compared him to some of hockey's all time greats. So they don't put limits to what he can be at his prime. He is really that level of talent that you don't define what he can't be in the future, unless you seriously dislike his playing style or his personality. But the truth is that the estimation of how good a player can become should not be really based on how much you like the player, but on what he achieves in the rink. That you don't put limits to what top prospects can become does not also mean that they will become for sure superstars. Only time will show if it will happen or not.
I am one of those who believes that Laine will become better than Ovechkin. Maybe not as a goal scorer, but at least as a player. But that has to do more with the fact that I see Ovechkin only as a good goalscorer, not as a very good player, especially as a team player. I could probably name at least 100 NHL players that are better players for their teams than Ovechkin. But that's how I see hockey. I put almost no value to regular season points and awards. The only really meaningful games are the playoffs games and top international tournament games. What really matters is that you score and win in those games. If you do, then the personal awards there will mean also really something.
Ovechkin is one of the most overrated players in hockey, and I have never ever understood the strong Ovie love. If the Caps would trade him for a couple of good playoffs players, they could very potentially be almost immediately SC winning team. With Ovechkin, sorry, but no chance.
Oh, and I will in fact turn around something that you said. To me it seems that you and some others here don't see what you really don't want to see...