London Knights 2024-25 Season Thread, Part VI

I was at the game. #3 attempted to start the shift but was directed off by the linesman. #17 lined up at the bench door and they changed at the puck drop.
What do you know lol? ( insert sarcastic emoji :))
He didn't have a camera angle that showed it, or volume on ( both his comments but yet repeatedly told others they were wrong lol) and belittles others (odd as the defender of not doing that to players......posters have feelings to lol) .......that's way better info for the preacher than actually seeing it lol.
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This post and your previous post is why posters get on ya. We get you look at yourself as the authority and know it all, but without the whole picture might be best to not jump to conclusions and keep your mind open you may not blknow so ething. Its ok lol.
U Self admittedly claimed you KNOW unless they switched #s, and then said no volume ( cause you don't need it) and limited camera angle that didn't show it, but ya still jumped on posters who actually had more info. Instead of just asking why they had their thoughts.
Your priceless and entertaining.
Breath, think, ask for clarity....or just tell everyone they are wrong when ya got no idea lol.
So I have different opinions to some, Just press the ignore button, that'll save you all some aggravation. To tell you honestly, I don't particularly care, really ! I am putting this out, and if you don't like it or care for it, you don't like me or have respect for me, don't waste anytime, why get upset, just ignore it and move on. My posts are not vulgar, they are as diplomatic as I can make them, there are no arm twisting or threats, no one have to agree with me, I am not running for office or accumulating some points, I am just sharing thoughts, and will continue to do so, for anyone that care to read and respect them, that is it. Cheers!
This post and your previous post is why posters get on ya. We get you look at yourself as the authority and know it all, but without the whole picture might be best to not jump to conclusions and keep your mind open you may not blknow so ething. Its ok lol.
U Self admittedly claimed you KNOW unless they switched #s, and then said no volume ( cause you don't need it) and limited camera angle that didn't show it, but ya still jumped on posters who actually had more info. Instead of just asking why they had their thoughts.
Your priceless and entertaining.
Breath, think, ask for clarity....or just tell everyone they are wrong when ya got no idea lol.
That is exactly why I initially replied, because he likes to try and prove everyone wrong and call everyone else out and try to make them feel dumb. But, I knew I was right on a technicality and then he proceed to tell me and other posters we were wrong, then went on to say he had little to no information to back his claim. Just can never admit when he’s wrong lol.

It’s really, a stupid a pointless argument on a meaningless situation, I think we can all agree on that lol.
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So I have different opinions to some, Just press the ignore button, that'll save you all some aggravation. To tell you honestly, I don't particularly care, really ! I am putting this out, and if you don't like it or care for it, you don't like me or have respect for me, don't waste anytime, why get upset, just ignore it and move on. My posts are not vulgar, they are as diplomatic as I can make them, there are no arm twisting or threats, no one have to agree with me, I am not running for office or accumulating some points, I am just sharing thoughts, and will continue to do so, for anyone that care to read and respect them, that is it. Cheers!
Connecting dots that don't exist?

-Never said I was aggravated. But make up some more stuff ;)
-Don't like you? No issues with you as a person as I don't know you on that level, but you do come across as a wanna be know it all and superior to all others ( even when you argue/dismiss/demean ĺothers publivly when ya didnt see it or hear it lol....seems hypocritical based on past posts about players n teams you rode your high horse on) That's your schtik, all good it's just not true......doesn't mean I dislike you as a person, .dont know ya. But again make stuff up.
Just like you self admitted, I'll also challenge posts when they are offside wrong or question them and un this case.........ypu doubled fown lol. Seems that bothers you even thou you say that's your role as devils advocate? Interesting you don't like when u get called out.
- why don't you put me on ignore lol? You don't like my response to your made up, dismissive, false facts antagonistic posts on a public forum, don't read it ;) easy.
-diplomacy????? Let me quote you " He was, I watched the replay on CHL Live, unless he changed his #3 with a teammate that number was on the ice with #17 at the backend when they dropped the puck, take it for what it is worth I am not arguing this" and this statement from someone who admitted the D wasn't on the screen anfmd they hey have volume on to hear announcers ol. Real diplomatic.Both those points were posted out to you but your response was " I watched replay....assumed, couldn't see or hear but I'll mock ya lol....again rich thinking based on your posting history and selective advocacy on certain issues).
-yoir right no one does have to agree with you, me or any1 else but post nonsense on a public board ya may get called put especially when you gave posted with an arrogance
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That is exactly why I initially replied, because he likes to try and prove everyone wrong and call everyone else out and try to make them feel dumb. But, I knew I was right on a technicality and then he proceed to tell me and other posters we were wrong, then went on to say he had little to no information to back his claim. Just can never admit when he’s wrong lol.

It’s really, a stupid a pointless argument on a meaningless situation, I think we can all agree on that lol.
Common man, you know that is not true at all, most posters are so captivated with my posts because I am very opinionated, it wouldn't matter what I write, the pleasure to put me in my place by most is too inviting, instead over overlooking it and pressing the ignore button


Let me quote you " He was, I watched the replay on CHL Live, unless he changed his #3 with a teammate that number was on the ice with #17 at the backend when they dropped the puck, take it for what it is worth I am not arguing this"

- I was listing what I thought I saw on the screen, I could not have imagined what I didn't see. Then I admitted my error

"Technically I suppose you guys are right, I can not offer any argument here if what you say is true, and I never heard,"
Common man, you know that is not true at all, most posters are so captivated with my posts because I am very opinionated, it wouldn't matter what I write, the pleasure to put me in my place by most is too inviting, instead over overlooking it and pressing the ignore button
Inflated sense of ego? "Captivated?"
Opiniated is one dislike Julien game, some like it. That's opinion.
Making up stuff and mocking posters is different. " I watched replay, unless they change #s" crosses the opinion line to just plain wrong.
Just own ya made stuff up, had no idea, told people with more info they were wrong
It's ok. Well the 'not being right is ok" happens alot to all pf us in life. But the Doubling down and making stuff up.after challenged is, I dunno, odd.
Be better and practice what you've preached to others on here. And I won't respond to ya ;) or you can hit ignore.
Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.
Going to be a couple weeks of peep, with games for the top 4 in the West meaning little in the big picture.
Wake me up for Rd 2 lol
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Inflated sense of ego? "Captivated?"
Opiniated is one dislike Julien game, some like it. That's opinion.
Making up stuff and mocking posters is different. " I watched replay, unless they change #s" crosses the opinion line to just plain wrong.
Just own ya made stuff up, had no idea, told people with more info they were wrong
It's ok. Well the 'not being right is ok" happens alot to all pf us in life. But the Doubling down and making stuff up.after challenged is, I dunno, odd.
Be better and practice what you've preached to others on here. And I won't respond to ya ;) or you can hit ignore.
Why so much assumption ?
Fair. Who releases first? Home or away team? Is there a rule on it? If so I’m sure the teams are going to make decisions based on what the other does
I doubt that matters. Both teams have some guys banged up and not much to play for. As good as Schaubel has been as a 16 y.o.,if he gets the start with 3 or 4 others rested I would say the game means little... unless LDN has a virtually full lineup and loses under those circumstances.

I expect Kitchener will have a number of guys out.
So tonight is a meaningful game or meaningless game?
I am hoping that both teams to sit players tonight, but don't try to tell the remaining players that this is a meaningless game. I would like to say that Read has been playing like an OHL first rounder lately, a far cry from the 10th round he was picked at.
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I can only see and describe what the screen is presenting me with, without the sound, and that is exactly what I wrote in my post. In reality, it was shown to be wrong and I admitted it. What's the problem here?
The problem is you made stuff up then doubled down with no evidence. Compounding the issue is you have a history of doing this which loses you a lot of credibility.
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I believe there is a rule that if the officials deemed an injury occurred from the infraction then the player isn't allowed on the ice for the faceoff.
We get that, even though Dickinson was not injured on the play, just lost a skate blade, it would look bad on the refs for giving a 5-minute major with no injury to show for, wouldn't it ?
I can only see and describe what the screen is presenting me with, without the sound, and that is exactly what I wrote in my post. In reality, it was shown to be wrong and I admitted it. What's the problem here?
But the screen didn't "present it" The problem is you saying it did, and doubling down on it
It would be fun to play “next years” lineup for the last 3 games of the season to see how they play.
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2 days later and people are still arguing about whether a player was on the ice at a certain time?

Time to move on folks!

