So I have different opinions to some, Just press the ignore button, that'll save you all some aggravation. To tell you honestly, I don't particularly care, really ! I am putting this out, and if you don't like it or care for it, you don't like me or have respect for me, don't waste anytime, why get upset, just ignore it and move on. My posts are not vulgar, they are as diplomatic as I can make them, there are no arm twisting or threats, no one have to agree with me, I am not running for office or accumulating some points, I am just sharing thoughts, and will continue to do so, for anyone that care to read and respect them, that is it. Cheers!
Connecting dots that don't exist?
-Never said I was aggravated. But make up some more stuff

-Don't like you? No issues with you as a person as I don't know you on that level, but you do come across as a wanna be know it all and superior to all others ( even when you argue/dismiss/demean ĺothers publivly when ya didnt see it or hear it lol....seems hypocritical based on past posts about players n teams you rode your high horse on) That's your schtik, all good it's just not true......doesn't mean I dislike you as a person, .dont know ya. But again make stuff up.
Just like you self admitted, I'll also challenge posts when they are offside wrong or question them and un this case.........ypu doubled fown lol. Seems that bothers you even thou you say that's your role as devils advocate? Interesting you don't like when u get called out.
- why don't you put me on ignore lol? You don't like my response to your made up, dismissive, false facts antagonistic posts on a public forum, don't read it

-diplomacy????? Let me quote you " He was, I watched the replay on CHL Live, unless he changed his #3 with a teammate that number was on the ice with #17 at the backend when they dropped the puck, take it for what it is worth I am not arguing this" and this statement from someone who admitted the D wasn't on the screen anfmd they hey have volume on to hear announcers ol. Real diplomatic.Both those points were posted out to you but your response was " I watched replay....assumed, couldn't see or hear but I'll mock ya lol....again rich thinking based on your posting history and selective advocacy on certain issues).
-yoir right no one does have to agree with you, me or any1 else but post nonsense on a public board ya may get called put especially when you gave posted with an arrogance