Doubt Thornton is back, too slow, someone will grab him though as a vet for the youngsters.
Simmonds will probably be back at a pay cut or not at all. Spezza returns obviously. Hyman gets re-signed.
I don't expect any big bold moves personally. They will use the fact we were out our third best player as an anchor for losing.
I know Folignos heart is in Columbus but hopefully he wants one more crack with this team at a discount, not that he owes us but it would be nice since we gave up a first and received nothing in return pretty much.
Pretty much have to roll with what we have unless we trade a big contract and i don't see that happening.
Looks like another run it back year. That Andersen money has to go towards the Hyman re-sign. Hopefully some cap brilliance somewhere, the team is better with a faster 4th line Spezza Brooks Robertson maybe?
Kerfoot is most likely gone in expansion so thats another 3.5 towards a 3rd or 4th line player or D.
Going to be interesting.