Registered User
Never forget about opportunity cost. It might or might not go back up, but while you're waiting, others are making moulah.
Personnally I'm ride or die 10% VCN 90% XAW in all my accounts except RESP where I have some
Lots of recessions have + market returns. People lose their jobs but companies' financials can look great. It sucks but it's what it is.
Honestly index funds is the way to go, I just have fun with 10% of my PF. Having to mess around with that leaves the other 90% alone in index funds.
Anyone eyeballing the BTC spot ETF? How is that going to go down? If it's pegged to actual Bitcoin, what's the opening price going to be? Zero??
If you invest in Canada you can already buy BTC ETFs, I have BTCC personally. So for me, nothing new. Obviously that opens up bitcoin to a lot more investors, and more importantly, that allows traders to short Bitcoin. All else being equal, BTC price should rise if it's available to more investors, but that's probably already priced in. It's just a hunch, but I don't see volatility decreasing.