Expect the expected
- Jun 17, 2007
- 25,154
- 770
Free movie ticket for tonight Mad Max? or San Andreas
Mad Max!!
Free movie ticket for tonight Mad Max? or San Andreas
Caught a glimpse of something even worse on TV last week
Went to see Mad max yesterday. Never played the game and didn't even know what the movie was about but I enjoyed the... experience.
Soundtrack was out of this world.
The movie is not based on the video game. It's a sequel to three movies, the first one was from 1979.
Apparently they used a body double. Her face was virtually graphed onto the body...Watched the GoT finale after the game last night. Lots of cliffhangers in this one. I gotta say I was impressed with Lena Headey's scene (Cersei's walk of shame). That must have been a very hard shoot for her. Hats off to a great job.
The original Mad Max wasn't so great. Road Warrior was kick ASS though. And I liked Beyond Thunderdome too, esp that creepy guy who says "dyin' times here."You should watch them all.
Well Matthew Vaughn directed Kick-Ass, and it's supposed to be an action-comedy. I thought it was hammy but fun, and the established possibility of death/murder is sooooo much more effective than the implied one.Watched Kingsman, still trying to figure out if I liked it - it was almost like 2 different directors took turns filming it, kinda like watching a Bond movie that is interrupted by clips from Kick Ass - odd is about the only word that is fitting right now
Well Matthew Vaughn directed Kick-Ass, and it's supposed to be an action-comedy. I thought it was hammy but fun, and the established possibility of death/murder is sooooo much more effective than the implied one.
In the Avengers for instance, all this destruction implies death but no one dies on screen because it has to stay pg-13. No main character dies either because they're signed for seven more films. And if they do die, they'll come back to life. Same goes for civilians, thousands of space-slugs attack Manhattan and no one dies on screen, they just get some scrapes and dust in their face (which I guess would lead to mesothelioma over the long-term.) But generally, there is no risk, no reward, no stakes.
Kingsman wasn't like that, and I liked it.
I Binge-watched True Detective the past couple of days and here are my thoughts...
1- The spooky/mysterious situations/enigmas combined with the policework reminded me a lot of Fortier. Obviously the plot pans out over a whole season rather than in a few episodes like it did for the TVA production, but I was already sold when I noticed how the story took place.
2- The story is well crafted, they leak you important tips drop by drop, but at the same time you don't want to learn about it too quickly because you want to know just who those two cops are.
3- I personally really liked it. I know some out here think it's the best TV show they've seen. I wouldn't label it like that because I preferred The Wire/Sopranos, Breaking bad and House of Cards better, but it's really good entertainment.
4- Personally, I really enjoy when the story surprises, and there are plenty of 'rebondissements' as we say in la langue de Molière
[SPOIL] The two main actors were brilliant. Woody (Marty)'s wife was also well played, I really hated her guts when she was interviewed by the two inspectors in the end and she wouldn't reveal it was her fault that Marty and Rust hadn't seen each other in years.
The Scene in the black Houston neighborhood when Rust and the bikers go steal drugs is one of the best scenes I've ever seen. They only reveal bribes of what's happening in the background, the policemen fighting the thugs, but we all know what is happening. [/SPOIL]