I remember really being bummed when Igor Liba was traded
traded after just 2 months and 10 games in the org, during his only NA/NHL season
Espo was trading maniac during that era
Igor Liba Hockey Stats and Profile at hockeydb.com
1988-Oct-11 Traded from Minnesota North Stars with Rick Bennett and Brian Lawton to New York Rangers for Brett Barnett, Paul Jerrard, Mark Tinordi and round 3 pick in the 1989 draft (Murray Garbutt)
1988-Dec-12 Traded from New York Rangers with Todd Elik, Michael Boyce and future considerations to Los Angeles Kings for Dean Kennedy and Denis Larocque
Blaine Stoughton | Larry Pa(t)ey | Rick Bennett
Stoughton - 2 time 50 G scorer (3 if WHA counts) finished his NHL career at 31 w 14 games as NYR
Rick Bennett was supposed to be the next great power winger,
Coming out U Providence (where he'd been recruited by Lou L),
played 15 NHL/NYR games across a couple months then a couple seasons.
Then a few years in minors eventually becoming a player coach, then NCAA coach
Actually has sent quite a few guys, from Union College, into NYR org last 10 years
Keith Kinkaid while he was AC, then he head-coached
Mat Bodie (NYR ELC+, 3 seasons w Pack), Josh Jooris (12 NYR games), Jeff Taylor (parts of this and last 2 season w 'Pack)
Other NHL'ers he coached - Gostisbehere, Dan Carr, Troy Groesnik